
Текст од Juliya1235 - English

    • Book or film

    • Some of my friends say there's nothing better than reading a good book while other would rather watch its film version.
    • Our modern world is unthinkable without reading books.
  • However, there are plenty of people who believe it is not necessary.
  • They think that watching films is more interesting.
    • You would probably agree with me that books occupy am important part in human life.
    • Indeed, sitting by a fire with a book is the best rest.
    • You can relax wrom daily duties and move to a fantasy world.
    • Secondly, the book is a main source of information and knowledge.
    • Thanks to books you have the opportunity for studying everything.
  • Some opponents might say that films can replace books.
    • Firstly, you spend less time for watching a movie than reading book.
    • So, it is useful and practice for people which haven't much free time.
    • Secondly, thanks to film you can get a great chance to understand character and behavior of a hero of the book.
    • However vicarious it sound, I wouldn't agree with the above mentioned idea.
    • Sometimes the film doesn't convey the meaning of the book.
    • Taking everything into account, I want to say that people should read because it is essential for to be an educated and enlightened person.