
Текст од Csargsoto - English

  • My first time

  • If you thought this was about sex, you can get out of here.
    • I'm here for telling you about my first time in this Website.
    • I discovered this page through a youtuber's channel called Allissa, I don't remember her surname.
    • She's Russian or from Kazakhstan, this is not clear for me.
  • She says that her nationality is Russian but she was born and raised in Kazakhstan.
    • This is very confuse, but I only know she is very pretty.
    • Well, she told in a YouTube video that she has learnt Spanish listening music, specially listening Pablo Albarán's songs.
    • She recommended deeply this Website, for all that people who wants to learn or practice their language foreign.
    • I learnt my English when I was a little child, a kid.
    • But, in my adult life I use it not much, I only speak Spanish in my work and my house, with my friends and family.
    • However, I read it a lot because I'm studying for being a Scientists of Structural Engineering and I find some books in English, there are books in Spanish but very expensive, because these are English book translations.
    • I like to buy cheap then I buy in English, and when I'm reading it I translate instantly to Spanish in my head, this is a bad habit that I wanted to lose.
    • Now, I've retaken love for English, and I want to improve my performance, specially spoken form because I have almost zero experience.
    • And I want trying to speak some informal, learning slang, I don't want to speak like a professor all time, I'm young.
  • Thanks for the corrections.