
Текст од mandy1994 - English

  • The historical change of China

  • China was once called "the kingdom of bicycles"; now China is enchanted with cars.
  • The nickname will become history in the future.
  • The reasons can be listed as followes.
  • For one thing, The Chinese automobile production and sales both exceeded 19000000.
  • By the end of last year, the car retains the quantity having already amounted to 120000000.
  • The another thing, Now more and more vehicle road pedestrian mixed, overpass bypass increased difficulty of non motorized road riding, almost by default into temporary parking.
  • Because the car development and motor Lane widening squeezing the bicycle and pedestrian space, on the road resources occupy far below the car and almost has no influence on the environment of the bicycle traffic began to decline.
  • With the economy growing faster, the bicycles will gradually disappear.
  • But without the bicycles, people will be lack of some recreation.
  • Therefore, the country should take measures to integrate and incorporate the auto and bicycles to make our traffic more harmonious.
  • I convince that if the government is concerted with other transport agencies.
  • The nickname of China will not be changed.