【Tue】Christina带你玩转美语, Tue, Mar 26, 2024, 7:00 PM

Description de l'évènement

  • Date: Mar 26, 2024
  • Temps: 19:00
  • Adresse: Adresse visible pour les participants
  • www.meetup.com

Discover the charm of American English with Christina on Tuesday night! Learn the secrets of pronunciation and authentic American expressions to boost your confidence and fluency in this language. Join us for an interactive workshop where Christina will guide you to sound and speak like a true American!

Title / 主题

Explore American English with Christina | Pronunciation & Speaking Workshop

Introduction / 内容介绍

Why is mastering pronunciation and expressions crucial for effective communication?

First impressions matter. Your speech is the initial point of contact, and sounding clear and confident is essential. This workshop focuses on refining your pronunciation and updating your expressions to make a lasting impact on your audience.

What can you expect from the workshop?

Enhance your pronunciation skills, learn the musicality of English, and practice authentic American expressions for various situations. Gain the confidence to stand out in conversations and make English your strong suit.

Who will be guiding you?

Meet Christina, an experienced educator with a passion for teaching English. With her expertise and American accent, she will empower you to speak English fluently and effectively.


Session 1: Vowel Pronunciation + Everyday Greetings
Session 2: Consonant Pronunciation + Socializing Expressions
Session 3: Stress and Intonation + Shopping Phrases
Session 4: Linking Sounds + Travel Vocabulary

Attention / 注意事项

Secure your spot in advance or pay a ¥30 surcharge.
The event is subject to cancellation if participation falls below 1/3 of the expected number. Register now to avoid disappointment.

Host / 主持人

王萌Christina / Teacher
An enthusiastic explorer of diverse cultures, Christina is dedicated to helping individuals achieve their English learning goals.

Register and Fee / 报名与费用

¥99 (Venue Fee + Admission Fee)
Contact WeChat: fish_alex for registration.

PostEnglishTime(PET) / 后英语时代

PET is a vibrant English-speaking community in Beijing, connecting individuals interested in culture, language, and technology. Join us for engaging language exchange activities and cultural events.

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