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Today, you will learn words and phrases to express feeling and emotions in Spanish. Good learning!
Today, you will learn words and phrases to express feeling and emotions in Spanish. Good learning!

Revision as of 18:24, 22 July 2017


Today, you will learn words and phrases to express feeling and emotions in Spanish. Good learning!


English Spanish
amazing asombroso
amusing divertido
angry enfadado
anxious ansioso
ashamed avergonzado
awful horrible
bored aburrido
busy ocupado
comfortable cómodo
comical cómico
confused confundido
dejected abatido
delighted encantado
depressed deprimido
desperate desesperado
despicable despreciable
disgraceful vergonzoso
disheartened desanimado
entertaining entretenido
excellent excelente
excited emocionado
fantastic fantástico
frightened asustado
frustrated frustrado
furious furioso
gleeful jubiloso
gloomy melancólico
great estupendo
happy alegre,


heartbroken corazón roto, desolado
hilarious divertidísimo
horrible horrible
horrific horrendo
humorous humorístico
hurt dolido
impatient impaciente


incredible increíble
insecure inseguro
jealous celoso
laughable cómico
miserable miserable
nervous nervioso
overwhelmed agobiado
patient paciente
pleased contento, satisfecho
proud orgulloso
relaxed relajado
relieved aliviado
remarkable notable
restless inquieto
sad  triste 
satisfied satisfecho
sensitive sensible
shameful vergonzoso
shy tímido
surprised sorprendido
terrible terrible
thankful agradecido
tired cansado
uncomfortable incómodo
unhappy infeliz
witty ingenioso
wonderful maravilloso
worried preocupado
wretched desdichado


  • Está contento/a = He/she is happy
  • Está triste = He/she is sad
  • Está tranquilo/a = He/She is calm
  • Está nervioso/a = He/She is nervous
  • Está sorprendido/a = He/She is surprised
  • Está preocupado/a = He/She is worried
  • ¡Me siento fabuloso/a! (I feel fantastic!)
  • Me siento optimista (I feel hopeful)
  • Me siento relajado/a (I feel relaxed)
  • Me siento fatal (I feel terrible)