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Professions in Russian

Hello Russian learners 😀

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨PROFESSIONS¨ in Russian.

The titles of many professions sound in Russian almost the same way as in English.

For example: Russian language has

  • Программист, Банкир, Инженер, Администратор, Менеджер...

If you compare them with their english analogues:

  • Programmer, Banker, Engeneer, Administrator and Manager one can sees that them are similar.

But other professions titles are different like : Официант as Waiter, Тренер as Coach, Художник as Artist.

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions!

As you become proficient in this subject, consider exploring these relevant areas for continued learning: Music, Russian Vocabulary: Drinks and Food, Animal Sounds & Health and Wellness.





Адвокат The lawyer ah dih vah kaht O advogado
Инженер The engineer ihn zheh neer O engenheiro
Программист The programmer prah grah meest O programador
Администратор The administrator ah dih mih nihs trah tahr O administrador
Менеджер The manager meh nih zhehr O gerente
Продавец The seller prah dah vyehts O vendedor
Продавец The salesman prah dah vyehts O vendedor
Актер The actor ahk tehr O ator
Механик The mechanician myeh hah nihk O mecânico


The public


gah sou dahrst vyeh nee

ahb vih nih tyehl

O promotor


Юрист The architect you rihst O arquiteto
Музыкант The musician mou zuh kahnt O músico
Секретарь The secretary seh kreh tahr A secretária
Банкир The banker bahn keer O banqueiro
Официант The waiter ah fih tsih ahnt O garçom
Таксист The taxi-driver tahk sihst O taxista
Библиотекарь The librarian bih blih ah tyeh kahr O bibliotecário
Парикмахер The hairdresser pah rihk mah hyehr O cabeleireiro
Цирюльник The barber tsih rih ou neek O barbeiro
Бухгалтер The accountant boor gahl tehr O arquiteto
Певец The singer pih vyehts O cantor


The office-cleaner ou bahr shihk

oh fih sah

O limpador de escritório
Ветеринар The vet vyeh teh rih nahr O veterinário
Переводчик The translator pih rih voh chihk O tradutor
Исполнитель The artist ihs poh nih tehl O artista
Художник The painter hou dohzh neek O pintor
Водитель The driver vah dih tyel O motorista
Писатель The writer pih sah tyehl O escritor
Шахтер The miner shahr tyehr O mineiro
Доктор The doctor dohk tohr O médico
Повар The cook poh vahr O cozinheiro
Швея The seamstress shih vee yah A costureira
Дизайнер The designer dih zah ih nyehr O designer
Политик The politician pah lih tihk O político
Экономист The economist ih kah nah meest O economista
Директор The director dih rehk tahr O diretor
Почтальон The postman poht tah lyohn O carteiro
Ювелир The jeweller you veh leer O joalheiro
Журналист The journalist zhour nah leest O jornalista
Учитель The teacher ou chih tyehl A professora
Юрист The lawyer you reest O advogado

Small test

Below on the 2 pictures you can see the titles of some Russian professions and one small test.


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