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== Main ==
== Formal Logic ==
=== Formal Logic ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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==== Classical Logic ====
=== Classical Logic ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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===== Propositional Calculus =====
==== Propositional Calculus ====
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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==== Non-Classical Logic ====
=== Non-Classical Logic ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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=== Informal Logic ===
== Informal Logic ==
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
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== Appendix ==
=== Sentence ===
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! cmn-Hans-CN: 语句 !! cmn-Hans-CN: 前提
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: yǔjù !! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí
! deu-Latn-DE: Satz [m] !! deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: sentence !! eng-Latn-US: prerequisite
! fra-Latn-FR: phrase [f] !! fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 文章 !! jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぶ​↑んしょ↓う !! jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい
! rus-Cyrl-RU: фра́за !! rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
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=== Symbol ===
==== Formal Logic ====
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! symbol
! cmn-Hans-CN: 含义
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì
! deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: meaning
! fra-Latn-FR: signification [f]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み
! rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|+ logical connective
! symbol
! cmn-Hans-CN: 含义
! cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: hányì
! deu-Latn-DE: Bedeutung [f]
! eng-Latn-US: meaning
! fra-Latn-FR: signification [f]
! jpn-Jpan-JP: 意味
! jpn-Hrkt-JP: い​↓​み
! rus-Cyrl-RU: значе́ние
| ≔, ≡, :⇔
| definition
| ⊤, T, 1, ■
| tautology
| ⊥, F, 0, □
| contradition
| ¬, ~, !
| negation
| ∧, &, ·
| conjunction
| ∨, ∥, +
| disjunction
| ←
| converse
| ↑, <nowiki>|</nowiki>
| alternative denial
| →, ⇒, ⊃
| material implication
| ↓
| joint denial
| ↔, ⇔, ≡, ⟷, ⟺
| material equivalence
| ↚
| converse nonimplimencation
| ↛
| nonimplimencation
| ↮, ⊻, ⩒, ⩛, ⊕, ≢
| exclusive disjunction
=== Resource under a Public License ===
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! name
! language
! link
| ''forall x: Calgary. An Introduction to Formal Logic''
| English
| https://forallx.openlogicproject.org/
| Logic Primer Files
| English
| https://tellerprimer.ucdavis.edu/pdf
| Open Logic Project
| English
| https://openlogicproject.org/

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==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/False-Friends|False Friends]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Greetings-Where-are-you-going|Greetings Where are you going]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Must‐Know-Words-for-Polyglots|Must‐Know Words for Polyglots]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Collocations-with-have|Collocations with have]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Collocations-with-take|Collocations with take]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Emotions-in-many-languages|Emotions in many languages]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Similarities-between-French-and-Italian|Similarities between French and Italian]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Airport-in-Many-Languages|Airport in Many Languages]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Hydraulics-and-Pneumatics|Hydraulics and Pneumatics]]
* [[Language/Multiple-languages/Vocabulary/Animal-sounds-in-many-languages|Animal sounds in many languages]]
<span links></span>

Latest revision as of 19:47, 27 March 2023

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cmn-Hans-CN: 科目 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: kēmù deu-Latn-DE: Fach [n] eng-Latn-US: subject fra-Latn-FR: matière [f] jpn-Jpan-JP: 科目 jpn-Hrkt-JP: か↑もく rus-Cyrl-RU: предме́т
形式逻辑 xíngshì luóji formale Logik formal logic logique formelle 形式論理 け↑いしきろ↓んり форма́льная ло́гика
经典逻辑,标准逻辑 jīngdiǎn luóji, biāozhǔn luóji klassische Logik classical logic, standard logic logique [f] classique 古典論理,標準論理 こ↑てんろ↓んり,ひょ↑うじゅんろ↓んり класси́ческая ло́гика
非经典逻辑,替代逻辑 fēi jīngdiǎn luóji, tìdài luóji nichtklassische Logik non-classical logic, alternative logic logique [f] non classique 非古典論理 ひ↑こてんろ↓んり некласси́ческие ло́гики
非形式逻辑 fēi xíngshì luóji informelle Logik informal logic logique informelle 非形式論理 ひ↑けいしきろ↓んり неформа́льная ло́гика

Formal Logic[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
矛盾 máodùn Kontradiktion [f] contradiction proposition contradiction [f], antilogie [f] 矛盾 む↑じゅん противоре́чие
推论 tuīlùn Korollar corollary theorem; deduction; statement corollaire [m], corolaire [m] け↓い сле́дствие
解释 jiěshì Interpretation [f] interpretation symbol; formal language interprétation [f] 解釈 か↓いしゃく толкова́ние
形式语言 xíngshì yǔyán formale Sprache formal language langage formel 形式言語 け↑いしきげ↓んご форма́льный язы́к
必要条件 bìyào tiáojiàn notwendige Bedingung necessary condition necessity condition nécessaire 必要条件 ひ↑つようじょ↓うけん необходи́мое усло́вие
充分必要条件 chōngfèn bìyào tiáojiàn notwendige und hinreichende Bedingung necessary and sufficient condition sufficiency condition nécessaire et suffisante 必要十分条件 ひ↑つよう↓じゅ↑うぶんじょ↓うけん необходи́мое и доста́точное усло́вие
必要性 bìyào xìng Notwendigkeit [f] necessity statement; material implimentation nécessité [f] 必要性 ひ↑つようせい необходи́мость
充分性 chōngfèn xìng Hinlänglichkeit [f] sufficiency statement; material implimentation suffisance [f] 十分性 じゅ↑うぶんせい доста́точность
充分条件 chōngfèn tiáojiàn hinreichende Bedingung sufficient condition sufficiency condition suffisante 十分条件 じゅ↑うぶんじょ↓うけん доста́точное усло́вие
syntax syntaxe [f] си́нтаксис
恒真式 héngzhēn shì Tautologie [f] tautology well-formed formula tautologie [f] 恒真式,トートロジー こ↑うし↓んしき,ト↑ート↓ロジー тавтоло́гией

Classical Logic[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
前件 qián jiàn Antezedens [n] antecedent hypothesis; proposition antécédent [m] 前件 ぜ↑んけん антецеде́нт
后件 hòu jiàn Sukzedens [n] consequent hypothesis; proposition conséquent [m] 後件 こ↑うけん консекве́нт
解释 jiěshì Erklärung [f] explanation statement; description; causality; logical consequence explication [f] 説明 せ↑つめい объясне́ние
假说 jiǎshō Hypothese [f] hypothesis [pl:hypotheses] explanation; phenomenon hypothèse [f] 仮説 か↑せつ гипо́теза
蕴涵 yùnhán Implikation [f] logical consequence, entailment statement déduction [f] logique 論理的帰結 ろ↑んりてき↓き↑けつ сле́дствие
现象 xiànxiàng Phänomen [n] phenomenon [pl:phenomena] phénomène [m] 現象 げ↑んしょう фено́мен
前提 qiántí Prämisse [f], Vordersatz [m] premise, premiss argument; logical consequence prémisse [f] 前提 ぜ↑んてい посы́лка
充足理由律 chōngzú lǐyóu lǜ Satz [m] vom zureichenden Grund [m] principle of sufficient reason reason; causality principe [f] de raison suffisante 充足理由律 じゅ↑うそくりゆ↓うりつ зако́н доста́точного основа́ния
命题 mìngtí Aussage [f] proposition proposition [f] 命題 め↑いだい пропози́ция
可靠性 kěkào xìng Korrektheit [f] soundness validity correction [f] 健全性 け↑んぜんせい
有效性 yǒuxiào xìng Allgemeingültigkeit [f] validity premise; tautology validité [f] 妥当性 だ↑とうせい общезна́чимость [ж]
law of thought
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
思维规律,思考规律 sīwéi guīlǜ, sīkǎo guīlǜ Denkgesetz [n] law of thought loi [f] de la pensée 思考の原理 し↑こうのげ↓んり
同一律 tóngyī lǜ Identitätsprinzip [n] law of identity, principle of identity principe [m] d'identité 同一律,同一原理 ど↓ういちりつ,ど↑ういつげ↓んり зако́н то́ждества
无矛盾律,矛盾律 wú máodùn lǜ, máodùn lǜ Satz [m] vom ausgeschlossenen Widerspruch, Satz [m] vom Widerspruch law of non-contradiction, principle of non-contradiction, law of contradiction, principle of contradiction principe [m] de non-contradiction, principe [m] de contradiction 無矛盾律,矛盾律 む↑むじゅ↓んりつ,む↑じゅ↓んりつ зако́н непротиворечия, зако́н противоречия
排中律 páizhōng lǜ Satz [m] vom ausgeschlossenen Dritten law of excluded middle, principle of excluded middle, law of the excluded third, principle of the excluded third principe [m] du tiers exclu 排中律 は↑いちゅ↓うりつ зако́н исключённого тре́тьего

Propositional Calculus[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
逻辑运算 luóji yùnsuàn logische Operation logical operation binary operation; well-formed formula opération [f] logique 論理演算 ろ↑んりえ↓んざん логи́ческая опера́ция
logical operator
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
逻辑运算符,逻辑联结词 luóji yùnsuàn fú, luóji liánjié cí Logische Verknüpfung logical operator, logical connective, sentential connective, sentential operator logical operation connecteur [m] logique 論理演算子,論理結合子 ろ↑んりえんざ↓んし,ろ↑んりけつご↓うし логи́ческий опера́тор, логи́ческая свя́зка, пропозициона́льная свя́зка
谢费尔竖线 Xièfèi'ěr shùxiàn shefferscher Strich alternative denial, Sheffer stroke negation; conjunction barre [f] de Sheffer 否定論理積,シェファーの棒記号 ひ↑ていろんりせ↓き,シェ↑ファーの↓ぼ↑うき↓ごう штрих Ше́ффера
合取,与 héqǔ, yǔ Konjunktion [f] conjunction set <mathematical logic> conjonction [f] 論理積 ろ↓んりせき конъю́нкция
Gegenteil [n] converse statement implication [f] réciproque ぎゃ↑く обра́тное утвержде́ние, обра́тная теоре́ма
析取,或 xīqǔ, huò Disjunktion [f] disjunction set <mathematical logic> disjonction [f] 論理和 ろ↑んり↓わ дизъю́нкция
互斥或,异或 hùchì huò, yì huò Kontravalenz [f], ausschließende Disjunktion, Antivalenz [f], Kontrajunktion [f], Alternation [f] exclusive disjunction, exclusive or disjonction exclusive, ou exclusif 排他的論理和 は↑いたてきろんり↓わ исключа́ющее «или»
或非 huò fēi NICHT-ODER-Gatter [n], Peirce-Funktion [f] joint denial non-ou [m] 否定論理和 ひ↑ていろんり↓わ
双条件 shuāng tiáojiàn Bikonditional [n] material biconditional biconditionnel [m], biconditionnel matériel
实质条件 shízhì tiáojiàn Subjunktion [f], Konditional [m], materiale Implikation material conditional, material implication conditionnel [m], implication matérielle 論理包含 ろ↑んりほ↓うがん имплика́ция
当且仅当 dāng qiě jǐn dāng material equivalence, if and only if 同値,等価 ど↓うち,と↓うか тогда́ и то́лько тогда́
fēi Negation [f] negation set <mathematical logic> négation [f] 否定 ひ↑てい отрица́ние, инве́рсия
陈述 chén shù Aussagesatz [n] statement
rule of inference
cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка
rule of inference
affirming the antecedent, modus ponens, modus ponendo ponens
denying the consequent, modus tollens, modus tollendo tollens

Non-Classical Logic[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка

Informal Logic[edit | edit source]

cmn-Hans-CN: 概念 cmn-Hans-CN: 前提 cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: gàiniàn cmn-Latn.Pinyin-CN: qiántí deu-Latn-DE: Begriff [m] deu-Latn-DE: Voraussetzung [f] eng-Latn-US: concept eng-Latn-US: prerequisite fra-Latn-FR: concept [m] fra-Latn-FR: préalable [m] jpn-Jpan-JP: 概念 jpn-Jpan-JP: 前提 jpn-Hrkt-JP: が↓いねん jpn-Hrkt-JP: ぜ↑んてい rus-Cyrl-RU: конце́пция rus-Cyrl-RU: предпосы́лка


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Other Lessons[edit | edit source]