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==== Family in Japanese ====
==== Family in Japanese ====
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|+There is also an honorific suffix ~様(~さま), replacing ~さん and ~ちゃん.
! rowspan="2" |English
! rowspan="2" |English
! colspan="4" |Japanese
! colspan="4" |Japanese
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'''There is also an honorific suffix ~様(~さま), replacing ~さん and ~ちゃん. '''

==== Family in Korean ====
==== Family in Korean ====

Revision as of 16:57, 13 July 2019

Family members in different languages

How do we talk about family members in different languages? It's an interesting question.

For many languages like English, French, Spanish ..., it's rather simple. However, for other languages like Swedish, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Tamil... words can be really specific and complicated.

For example, in Korean, there is a word for "father's unmarried younger brother", can you believe it?

Feel free to edit this page and add the vocabulary for your own language.

The Family Vocabulary in Several Languages

Family General Vocabulary

English French Spanish Italian Arabic Turkish German Portuguese Russian Polish Indonesian Esperanto Greek
parents les parents los padres i genitori الآباء ebeveynler die Eltern os pais родители rodzice orangtua gepatroj οι γονείς
mother la mère la madre la madre أم anne die Mutter a mãe мама mama ibu patrino η μητέρα
mom la maman la mamá la mamma أمي anne die Mama a mamãe мама mama mama panjo η μαμά
father le père el padre il padre الآب baba der Vater o pai отец ojciec ayah patro ο πατέρας
dad le papa el papá il papà أب baba der Papa o papai папа tata papa paĉjo ο μπαμπάς
son le fils el hijo il figlio ابن oğul der Sohn o filho сын syn putra filo ο γιός
daughter la fille la hija la figlia ابنة kız evlat die Tochter a filha дочь córka putri filino η κόρη
elder brother le frère aîné el hermano mayor il fratello maggiore الأخ الأكبر ağabey der älterer Bruder o irmão mais velho старший брат starszy brat kakak pliaĝa frato ο μεγαλύτερος αδελφός
younger brother le frère cadet el hermano más joven il fratello minore الأخ الأصغر küçük kardeş der jüngerer Bruder o irmão mais novo младший брат młodszy brat adik pli juna frato ο μικρότερος αδελφός
elder sister la soeur ainée la hermana mayor la sorella maggiore الأخت الأكبر سنا ablası die ältere Schwester a irmã mais velha старшая сестра starsza siostra kakak pliaĝa fratino η μεγαλύτερη αδελφή
younger sister la sœur cadette la hermana menor la sorella minore الأخت الأصغر küçük kız kardeş die jüngere Schwester a irmã mais nova младшая сестра młodsza siostra adik pli juna fratino η νεότερη αδελφή
wife la femme la esposa la moglie زوجة kadın eş die Ehefrau a esposa жена żona istri edzino (η) σύζυγος
husband le mari el marido il marito الزوج koca der Mann o marido муж mąż suami edzo (ο) σύζυγος
aunt la tante la tía la zia عمة teyze die Tante a tia тетя ciocia tante onklino η θεία
uncle l'oncle el tío il zio اخو الام amca dayı der Onkel o tio дядя wujek paman onklo ο θείος
male cousin le cousin el primo il cugino ابن عم الذكور erkek kuzen der Cousin o primo двоюродный брат kuzyn sepupu laki laki kuzo ο

(ε) ξάδελφος,

female cousin la cousine la prima la cugina ابنة العم bayan kuzen die Cousine a prima двоюродная сестра kuzynka sepupu perempuan kuzino η (ε)ξαδέλφη,
nephew le neveu el sobrino il nipote ابن أخ erkek yeğen der Neffe o sobrinho племянник bratanek keponakan nevo ο ανηψιός
niece la nièce la sobrina la nipote ابنة الاخ yeğen die Nichte a sobrinha племянница siostrzenica keponakan nevino η ανηψιά
grandparents les grands-parents los abuelos i nonni الجد والجدة dedesi die Großeltern os avós дедушка и бабушка dziadkowie kakek-nenek geavoj ο παπούς και η γιαγιά
grandmother la grand-mère la abuela la nonna جدة büyükanne die Großmutter a avó бабушка babcia nenek avino η γιαγιά
grandfather le grand-père el abuelo il nonno جد büyük baba die Großvater o avô дед dziadek kakek avo ο παπούς
grandchildren les petits-enfants los nietos i nipoti أحفاد torun die Enkelkinder os netos Внуков wnuki cucu genepoj το εγγόνι
grandson le petit-fils el nieto il nipote حفيد erkek torun der Enkel o neto внук wnuk cucu nepo ο εγγονός
granddaughter la petite-fille la nieta la nipote حفيدة kız torun die Enkelin a neta внучка wnuczka cucu nepino η εγγονή
great-grandfather l'arrière-grand-père el bisabuelo il bisnonno الجد الأكبر büyük büyükbaba der Urgroßvater o bisavô прадед świetny dziadek kakek buyut praavo ο προπάπος
great-grandmother l'arrière-grand-mère la bisabuela la bisnonna جدة عظيمة büyük büyükanne die Urgroßmutter a bisavó пра-прабабушка pra babcia nenek buyut praavino η προγιαγιά
godmother la marraine la madrina la madrina العرابة vaftiz anası die Patin a madrinha крестная мама matka chrzestna ibu babtis baptopatrino η νονά
godfather le parrain el padrino il padrino أب روحي mafya babası der Pate o padrinho Крестный отец ojciec chrzestny bapa baptis baptopatro ο νονός
brother-in-law le beau-frère el cuñado il cognato شقيق الزوج kayınbirader der Schwager o cunhado шурин szwagier saudara ipar bofrato ο κουνιάδος
sister-in-law la belle-soeur la cuñada la cognata مثل اختي üvey kızkardeş die Stiefschwester a cunhada сводная сестра przyrodnia siostra saudara tiri bofratino η κουνιάδα
mother-in-law la belle-mère la suegra la suocera حماة " أم الزوج أو أم الزوجة kayınvalide die Schwiegermutter a sogra свекровь teściowa ibu mertua bopatrino η πεθερά
father-in-law le beau-père el suegro il suocero ووالد بالتبنى kayınpeder der Schwiegervater o sogro тесть teść ayah mertua bopatro ο πεθερός
son-in-law le beau-fils el yerno il genero ابنه قانونياً damat der Schwiegersohn o genro зять zięć menantu bofilo ο γαμπρός
daughter-in-law la belle-fille la nuera la nuora ابنة بالنسب gelin die Schwiegertochter a nora невестка synowa menantu bofilino η νύφη

Family Specific Vocabulary

Family in Egyptian Arabic


Family in Swedish

English Swedish
grandparents generation farföräldrar och morföräldrar generation
father's father farfar
father's mother farmor
mother's father morfar
mother's mother mormor
parents generation föräldrar generation
father far
mother mor
father's brother farbror
mother's brother morbror
father's sister faster
mother's sister moster
godfather gudfader
godmother gudmor
father-in-law svärfar
mother-in-law svärmor
peers jämlikar
brother bror
sister syster
cousin kusin
wife fru
husband man
brother-in-law svåger
sister-in-law svägerska
children generation barn generation
son son
daughter dotter
brother's son brorson
sister's son systerson
brother's daughter brorsdotter
sister's daughter systerdotter
son-in-law svärson
daughter-in-law svärdotter
grandchildren generation barnbarn generation
son's son sonson
daughter's son dotterson
son's daughter sondotter
daughter's daughter dotterdotter

Family in Japanese

English Japanese
in else's family in own family to own family in own family to else not relative to etiquette
great-grandparents generation 曾祖父母世代・曽祖父母世代(そうそふぼせだい)
great-grandfather - 曾祖父・曽祖父(そうそふ)
great-grandmother - 曾祖母・曽祖母(そうそぼ)
grandparents generation 祖父母世代(そふぼせだい)
grandfather お爺さん(おじいさん) 祖父(そふ)
grandmother お婆さん(おばあさん) 祖母(そぼ)
parents generation 親世代(おやせだい)
father お父さん(おとうさん) 父(ちち) 父親(ちちおや)
mother お母さん(おかあさん) 母(はは) 母親(ははおや)
elder uncle 伯父さん(おじさん) 伯父(おじ)
elder aunt 伯母さん(おばさん) 伯母(おば)
younger uncle 叔父さん(おじさん) 叔父(おじ)
younger aunt 叔母さん(おばさん) 叔母(おば)
father-in-law - - 義父(ぎふ)
mother-in-law - - 義母(ぎぼ)
peers 同僚(どうりょう)
elder brother お兄さん(おにさん) お兄ちゃん(おにちゃん) 兄(あに)
elder sister お姉さん(おねえさん) お姉ちゃん(おねえちゃん) 姉(あね)
younger brother 弟さん(おとうとさん) - 弟(おとうと)
younger sister 妹さん(いもうとさん) - 妹(いもうと)
elder male cousin - - 従兄(いとこ)
elder female cousin - - 従姉(いとこ)
younger male cousin - - 従弟(いとこ)
younger female cousin - - 従妹(いとこ)
children generation 子供の世代(こどものせだい)
son 息子さん(むすこさん) - 息子(むすこ)
daughter お嬢さん(おじょうさん) - 娘(むすめ)
nephew - - - 甥(おい)
niece - - - 姪(めい)
son-in-law - - - 義理の息子(ぎりのむすこ)
daughter-in-law - - - 義理の娘(ぎりのむすめ)
grandchildren generation 孫世代(まごせだい)
grandson - - - 孫(まご)
granddaughter - - - 孫娘(まごむすめ)
great-grandchildren generation 曾孫世代・曽孫世代(ひまごせだい)
great-grandson - - - 曾孫(ひまご)
great-granddaughter - - - 曾孫娘(ひまごむすめ)

There is also an honorific suffix ~様(~さま), replacing ~さん and ~ちゃん.

Family in Korean

English Korean
great-grandparents generation 증조부모 세대(曾祖父母 世代)
great-grandfather 증조부(曾祖父)
great-grandmother 증조모(曾祖母)
grandparents generation 조부모 세대(祖父母 世代)
grandfather 할아버지
grandmother 할머니
parents generation 부모 세대(父母 世代)
father 아버지
mother 어머니
father's elder brother 큰아버지
father's elder brother's wife 큰어머니
father's married younger brother 작은아버지
father's younger brother's wife 작은어머니
father's unmarried younger brother 삼촌
mother's brother 외삼촌(外三寸)
father's sister 고모(姑母)
father's sister's husband 고모부(姑母夫)
mother's elder sister 이모(姨母)
mother's younger sister 이모(姨母)
mother's elder sister's husband 이모부(姨母夫)
mother's younger sister's husband 이모부(姨母夫)
parent's brother's wife 숙모(叔母)
distant uncle 아저씨
distant aunt 아줌마
wife's parents 처부모(妻父母)
wife's father 장인(丈人)
wife's mother 장모(丈母)
husband's parents 시부모(媤父母)
husband's father 시아버지(媤-)
husband's mother 시어머니(媤-)
godfather 대부(代父)
godmother 대모(代母)
stepfather 새아버지, 계부(繼父)
stepmother 새어머니, 계모(繼母)
peers 동료(同僚)
sibling(s) 형제자매(兄弟姊妹)
brother(s) 형제(兄弟)
elder brother, of a male 형(兄)
elder brother, of a female 오빠
elder brother's wife 형수(兄嫂)
younger brother 동생(同生), 남동생(男同生)
younger brother's wife 제수(弟嫂)
sister(s) 누이, 자매(姊妹)
elder sister, of a male 누나
elder sister, of a female 언니
elder sister's husband 자형(姉兄, 姊兄)
younger sister 동생(同生), 여동생, 누이동생
younger sister's husband 매부(妹夫)
cousin(s) 사촌(四寸)
male cousin 남자사촌(男子四寸)
female cousin 여자사촌(女子四寸)
spouse(s) 배우자(配偶者)
husband 남편(男便)
wife 아내
wife's brother 처남(妻男)
wife's elder sister 처형(妻兄)
wife's younger sister 처제(妻弟)
husband's brother 시숙(媤叔)
husband's sister 시누이(媤-)
children generation 어린이 세대(-世代)
son 아들
step son 사위, 의붓아들
step daughter 며느리, 의붓딸
nephew 조카
niece 조카딸, 질녀(姪女)
grandchildren generation 손자 세대(孫子 世代)
son's son 손자(孫子)
son's daughter 손녀(孫女)
daughter's son 외손자(外孫子)
daughter's daughter 외손녀(外孫女)
great-grandchildren generation 증손자 세대(曾孫子 世代)
great-grandson 증손자(曾孫子)
great-granddaughter 증손녀(曾孫女)

Family in Tamil

English Tamil
great-grandparents generation கொள்ளுப்பட்டார்கள்
great-grandfather கொள்ளுத்தாத்தா
great-grandmother கொள்ளுப்பாட்டி
grandparents generation பாட்டார்கள்
grandfather தாத்தா
grandmother பாட்டி
parents generation பெற்றோர்கள்
father தந்தை
dad அப்பா
mother தாய்
mom அம்மா
father's elder brother OR mother's elder sister's husband பெரியப்பா
father's elder brother's wife OR mother's elder sister பெரியம்மா
father's younger brother OR mother's younger sister's husband சித்தப்பா
father's younger brother's wife OR mother's younger sister சித்தி
mother's brother OR father's sister's husband மாமா
father's sister அத்தை
spouse's father மாமனார்
spouse's mother மாமியார்
stepfather மாற்றாந்
stepmother மாற்றாந்தாய்
godfather காட்பாதர்
godmother மூதாட்டி
peers நம்ம தலைமுறை
sibling(s) உடன்பிறப்புகள்
brother(s) சகோதரன்
elder brother அண்ணா
elder brother's wife அண்ணி
younger brother தம்பி
younger brother's wife கொழுந்தி
sister(s) சகோதரி
elder sister அக்கா
elder sister's husband மைத்துனன்
younger sister தங்கச்சி
younger sister's husband OR husband's younger brother கொழுந்தன்
spouse(s) துணைவர்
husband கணவர், பருசன்
wife மனைவி
spouse's elder brother மாமா
wife's younger brother மச்சான்
wife's older sister மைத்துனி
wife's younger sister மச்சினிச்சி
children generation குழந்தைகள் தலைமுறை
son மகன்
daughter மகள்
step son மருமகன், மாற்றான்மகன்
step daughter மருமகள், மாற்றான்மகள்
nephew மச்சான்
niece மச்சினிச்சி
grandchildren generation பேரப்பிள்ளைகள் தலைமுறை
grandson பேரன்
granddaughter பேத்தி
great-grandchildren generation கொள்ளு பேரக்குழந்தைகள் தலைமுறை
great-grandson கொள்ளுப்பேரன்
great-granddaughter கொள்ளுப்பேத்தி

Family in Chinese

"Calculator" for it: https://www.relativescalc.com/

Terms may vary due to regional differences, here's a possible, practical case.
English Chinese Mandarin
formal colloquial
great-great-grandparents generation 高祖輩/高祖辈 (gāozǔbèi)
father's great-grandfather 高祖父 (gāozǔfù)
father's great-grandmother 高祖母 (gāozǔmǔ)
mother's great-grandfather 高外公 (gāowàigōng)
mother's great-grandmother 高外婆 (gāowàipó)
great-grandparents generation 曾祖輩/曾祖辈 (zēngzǔbèi)
father's grandfather 曾祖父 (zēngzǔfù) 老爺爺/老爷爷 (lǎoyéye)
father's grandmother 曾祖母 (zēngzǔmǔ) 老奶奶 (lǎonǎinai)
mother's grandfather 曾外公 (zēngwàigōng) 老姥爺/老姥爷 (lǎolǎoye)
mother's grandmother 曾外婆 (zēngwàipó) 老姥娘 (lǎolǎoniang)
grandparents generation 祖輩/祖辈 (zǔbèi)
father's father 祖父 (zǔfù) 爺爺/爷爷 (yéye)
father's mother 祖母 (zǔmǔ) 奶奶 (nǎinai)
mother's father 外公 (wàigōng) 姥爺/姥爷 (lǎoye)
mother's mother 外婆 (wàipó) 姥娘 (lǎoniang)
father's elder uncle 伯祖父 (bózǔfù)
father's elder uncle's wife 伯祖母 (bózǔmǔ)
mother's elder uncle 伯外公 (bówàigōng)
mother's elder uncle's wife 伯外婆 (bówàipó)
father's younger uncle 叔祖父 (shūzǔfù)
father's younger uncle's wife 叔祖母 (shūzǔmǔ)
mother's younger uncle 叔外公 (shūwàigōng)
mother's younger uncle's wife 叔外婆 (shūwàipó)
parents generation 父母輩/父母辈 (fùmǔbèi)
father 父親/父亲 (fùqin) 爸爸 (bàba), 爹 (diē)
mother 母親/母亲 (mǔqin) 媽媽/妈妈 (māma), 娘 (niáng)
father's elder brother 伯父 (bófù) 伯伯 (bóbo)
father's elder brother's wife 伯母 (bómǔ)
father's younger brother 叔父 (shūfù) 叔叔 (shūshu)
father's younger brother's wife 叔母 (shūmǔ) 嬸嬸/婶婶 (shěnshen)
mother's brother 舅父 (jiùfù) 舅舅 (jiùjiu)
mother's brother's wife 舅母 (jiùmǔ)
father's sister 姑母 (gūmǔ) 姑姑 (gūgu)
father's sister's husband 姑父 (gūfu)
mother's sister 姨母 (yímǔ) 姨 (yí)
mother's sister's husband 姨父 (yífu)
wife's father 丈父 (zhàngfù) 岳父 (yuèfù)
wife's mother 丈母 (zhàngmǔ) 岳母 (yuèmǔ)
husband's father 公父 (gōngfù) 公公 (gōnggong)
husband's mother 婆母 (pómǔ) 婆婆 (pópo)
godfather 教父 (jiàofù)
godmother 教母 (jiàomǔ)
stepfather 繼父/继父 (jìfù) 後爸/后爸 (hòubà)
stepmother 繼母/继母 (jìmǔ) 後媽/后妈 (hòumā)
peers 同輩/同辈 (tóngbèi)
sibling (s) 兄弟姊妹/兄弟姐妹 (xiōngdì jiěmèi)
brother (s) 兄弟 (xiōngdì)
elder brother 兄 (xiōng) 哥哥 (gēge)
elder brother's wife 兄嫂 (xiōngsǎo) 嫂嫂 (sǎosao)
sister (s) 姊妹/姐妹 (jiěmèi)
elder sister 姊/姐 (jiě) 姊姊/姐姐 (jiějie)
elder sister's husband 姊夫/姐夫 (jiěfu)
younger brother 弟 (dì) 弟弟 (dìdi)
younger brother's wife 弟妹 (dìmèi)
younger sister 妹 (mèi) 妹妹 (mèimei)
younger sister's husband 妹夫 (mèifu)
elder male cousin, father's brother's son 堂兄 (tángxiōng) 堂哥 (tánggē)
elder male cousin's wife, father's brother's son's wife 堂嫂 (tángsǎo)
elder female cousin, father's brother's daughter 堂姊/堂姐 (tángjiě)
elder female cousin's husband, father's brother's daughter's husband 堂姊夫/堂姐夫 (tángjiěfu)
elder male cousin, father's sister's son OR mother's sibling's son 表兄 (biǎoxiōng) 表哥 (biǎogē)
elder male cousin's wife, father's sister's son's wife 表嫂 (biǎosǎo)
elder female cousin, father's sister's daughter OR mother's sibling's daughter 表姊/表姐 (biǎojiě)
elder female cousin's husband, father's sister's daughter's husband 表姊夫/表姐夫 (biǎojiěfu)
younger male cousin, father's brother's son 堂弟 (tángdì)
younger male cousin's wife, father's brother's son's wife 堂弟妹 (tángdìmèi)
younger female cousin, father's brother's daughter 堂妹 (tángmèi)
younger female cousin's husband, father's brother's daughter's husband 堂妹夫 (tángmèifu)
younger male cousin, father's sister's son OR mother's sibling's son 表弟 (biǎodì)
younger male cousin's wife, father's sister's son's wife 表弟妹 (biǎodìmèi)
younger female cousin, father's sister's daughter OR mother's sibling's daughter 表妹 (biǎomèi)
younger female cousin's husband, father's sister's daughter's husband 表妹夫 (biǎomèifu)
spouse 配偶 (pèi'ǒu)
wife 妻子 (qīzǐ) 老婆 (lǎopó)
husband 丈夫 (zhàngfu) 老公 (lǎogōng)
children generation 子女輩/子女辈 (zǐnǚbèi)
son 兒子/儿子 (érzi)
son's wife 媳婦/媳妇 (xífù)
daughter 女兒/女儿 (nǚ'ér)
daughter's husband 女婿 (nǚxu)
brother's son 侄子 (zhízi)
brother's son's wife 侄媳妇 (zhíxífù)
brother's daughter 侄女 (zhínǚ)
brother's daughter's husband 侄女婿 (zhínǚxu)
sister's son 外甥 (wàisheng)
sister's son's wife 外甥媳婦/外甥媳妇 (wàishengxífù)
sister's daughter 外甥女 (wàishengnǚ)
sister's daughter's husband 外甥女婿 (wàishengnǚxu)
stepson 繼子/继子 (jìzǐ)
stepdaughter 繼女/继女 (jìnǚ)
grandchildren generation 孫輩/孙辈 (sūnbèi)
son's son 孫子/孙子 (sūnzi)
son's son's wife 孫媳婦/孙媳妇 (sūnxífù)
son's daughter 孫女/孙女 (sūnnǚ)
son's daughter's husband 孫女婿/孙女婿 (sūnnǚxu)
daughter's son 外孫子/外孙子 (wàisūnzi)
daughter's son's wife 外孫媳婦/外孙媳妇 (wàisūnxífù)
daughter's daughter 外孫女/外孙女 (wàisūnnǚ)
daughter's daughter's husband 外孫女婿/外孙女婿 (wàisūnnǚxu)
brother's grandson 侄孙子 (zhísūnzi)
brother's granddaughter 侄孙女 (zhísūnnǚ)
sister's grandson 外甥孫子/外甥孙子 (wàishengsūnzi)
sister's granddaughter 外甥孫女/外甥孙女 (wàishengsūnnǚ)
great-grandchildren generation 曾孫輩/曾孙辈 (zēngsūnbèi)
great-grandson 曾孫子/曾孙子 (zēngsūnzi) 重孫子/重孙子 (chóngsūnzi)
great-granddaughter 曾孫女/曾孙女 (zēngsūnnǚ) 重孫女/重孙女 (chóngsūnnǚ)
great-great-grandchildren generation 玄孫輩/玄孙辈 (xuánsūnbèi)
great-great-grandson 玄孫子/玄孙子 (xuánsūnzi)
great-great-granddaughter 玄孫女/玄孙女 (xuánsūnnǚ)

Family in Hugarian

In Hungarian there are separate words for older brother/sister, younger brother/sister or just sibling.

English Hungarian
family család
parent szülő
father apa
mother anya
child gyerek, gyermek
son (boy) fiú
daughter (girl) lány
spouse házastárs
husband férj
wife feleség
siblings testvér
brother fivér (rare) báty (elder) öcs (younger)
sister lánytestvér (rare) nővér (elder) húg (younger)
uncle nagybácsi
uncle's wife ángy
aunt nagynéni
cousin unokatestvér
nephew unokabáty (elder) unokaöcs (younger)
niece unokanovér (elder) unokahúg (younger)
grandparent nagyszülő
grandfather nagyapa, nagypapa
grandmother nagyanya, nagymama
grandchild unoka
great grandparent dédszülő
great grandfather dédapa, dédpapa
great grandmother dédanya, dédmama
great grandchild dédunoka
great-great-grandparent ükszülő
great-great-grandchild szépunoka
great uncle dédnagybácsi
great aunt dédnagynéni
father-in-law após, ipa (archaic)
mother-in-law anyós, napa (archaic)
brother-in-law sógor
sister-in-law sógornő
son-in-law vej
daughter-in-law meny
child's parents-in-law nászszülő
child's father-in-law nász, nászúr
child's mother-in-law nászasszony
ancestors ősök
progeny utód, leszármazott
stepmother mostohaanya
stepchild mostohagyermek
foster father nevelőapa
foster mother nevelőanya
adopted child fogadott gyermek

Source : https://www.omniglot.com/language/kinship/hungarian.htm

Family in German

In German there used to be separate names for uncles and aunts depending on whether they were the sibling of your mother or your father.

  • Mother's side; Oheim - Muhme
  • Father's side: Onkel - Tante

Today German only use Onkel and Tante.

Family in Xhosa

Xhosa has a lot of terms. Brothers and sisters use different words for their siblings, the words for aunt and uncle differ based on whether they are maternal or paternal, there is even a word for "the first child born after twins".

English Xhosa
family usapho
parents abazali
father ubawo; utata
mother umama
children bamntwana
son nyana
daughter intombi
husband umyeni
wife inkosikazi
brother ubhuti; ubhradha
umkhuluwa (older)
umninawa (younger)
sister usista; udade
uncle umalume
aunt udadobawo (father's sister)
umakazi (mother's sister)
cousin umzala
nephew umtshana
niece umtshana
grandfather utatomkhulu
grandmother umakhulu
grandson umzukulu
granddaughter umzukulu

Source : https://www.omniglot.com/language/kinship/xhosa.htm


Familiy in Spanish

Familiy in French

Family in Arabic