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== '''Greek Deponent Verbs ''' ==                    [[File:6-7-4-638.jpg|thumb|none]]
[[File:απο θετικά.jpg|thumb]]                  

== '''Αποθετικά ρήματα ''' ==
<div class="pg_page_title">Greek Deponent Verbs (Αποθετικά ρήματα)</div>
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== '''English''' ==
== '''Français''' ==
== '''Ελληνικά''' ==
| '''Deponent verbs'''
|'''Les verbes déponents''' 
|'''Αποθετικά ρήματα'''
|Deponent verbs have a passive form but an active meaning and
takes its form from voice passive. A deponent verb has no active forms.

'''* Greek verbs''' are written in the first-person singular present indicative,

not the present infinitive.
Greek is an inflectional language with a rich and complex verb system. Among the many types of verbs in Greek, there are deponent verbs, which play a unique role. Deponent verbs are verbs that have passive or middle forms but active meanings. This article delves into the nature of Greek deponent verbs, their classification, formation, and usage.
|Les verbes déponents ont une forme passive  
mais tout en ayant un sens actif .

Un verbe déponent a « abandonné »
== What are Deponent Verbs? ==
Deponent verbs are a category of Greek verbs that, although they appear in the middle or passive voice, convey an active meaning. The term "deponent" comes from the Latin "deponere," which means "to lay aside" – in this case, the verbs have "laid aside" their active voice forms. Deponent verbs are found in both Ancient and Modern Greek.

ses désinences actives.
== Classification of Deponent Verbs ==
Deponent verbs in Greek can be classified into three main categories:

Il se conjugue donc au passif sans ayant
# Middle Deponents: These verbs have middle voice forms and active meanings. They are the most common type of deponent verb in Greek. Examples include "έρχομαι" (I come) and "ακολουθώ" (I follow).
# Passive Deponents: These verbs have passive voice forms but active meanings. Examples include "δέχομαι" (I accept) and "γεύομαι" (I taste).
# Middle-Passive Deponents: These verbs have both middle and passive voice forms but always carry active meanings. Examples include "αισθάνομαι" (I perceive) and "μαθαίνω" (I learn).

la voix active.
== Formation of Deponent Verbs ==
|Μία από τις κατηγορίες των ρημάτων είναι
Deponent verbs are formed by taking the stem of a regular verb and adding middle or passive voice endings. The endings differ depending on the tense and mood of the verb. For instance, in the present indicative, the middle voice endings are "-μαι," "-σαι," "-ται," "-μεθα," "-σθε," and "-νται." In the future indicative, the endings are "-σομαι," "-ση," "-σεται," "-σομεθα," "-σεσθε," and "-σονται."
τα λεγόμενα '''Αποθετικά ρήματα''' επειδή

σχηματίζουν τύπους μόνο στην παθητική
== Usage of Deponent Verbs ==
Since deponent verbs have passive or middle forms but active meanings, they function like active verbs in a sentence. This means that their subjects are the doers of the action, and they can take direct objects in the accusative case. Deponent verbs are used in various contexts, such as expressing actions, states, or emotions. They can be found in different tenses and moods, like the indicative, subjunctive, imperative, and participle forms.

φωνή με κατάληξη '''-μαι''' στο πρώτο ενικό
== Table: Greek Deponent Verbs with Examples ==
πρόσωπο της οριστικής του ενεστώτα,
'''αλλά''' έχουν ενεργητική σημασία
και σχηματίζουν τη μορφή τους από τη παθητική φωνή. Δηλαδή έχουν αποθέσει,
αποβάλει  τους τύπους της ενεργητικής φωνής
(κατάληξη '''-ω''' στο πρώτο ενικό πρόσωπο
της οριστικής του ενεστώτα). 
Στην πραγματικότητα, τα ρήματα αυτά ουδέποτε
εμφάνισαν τύπους ενεργητικής φωνής.
== '''Paradigm Greek deponent verbs''' ==
=== '''Find more about the moods in the table below''' ===
{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
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|'''Εγκλίσεις - Moods'''
!Verb (in Greek)
|'''Verb Moods'''
!Verb (in English)
|''' Verb Moods'''
!Example (in Greek)
|''' '''
!Example (in English)
''' '''
|'''Ενεστώτας- Present'''
|Middle Deponents
|'''Αόριστος – Aorist (simple past)'''
|'''Υποτακτική Αορίστου'''
|I come
|Ο Νίκος έρχεται σπίτι.
'''Subjunctive   Aorist'''
|Nikos is coming to the house.
|'''Προστακτική Αορίστου'''
'''Imperative Aorist'''
|'''Μετοχή - Participle'''
|'''αισθάνομαι''' :
feel - je ressens
|I follow
|'''αισθάνθηκα''' :
|Η Μαρία ακολουθεί το δάσκαλο.
|Maria is following the teacher.
felt – je ressentis
|'''να αισθανθώ'''
felt - que  je ressente
|'''αισθάνσου''' : feel -  ressens
'''αισθανθείτε ''': feel - ressentez
|'''αισθανόμενος''' :
felt - ressenti
|'''αρνούμαι :''' (to deny- nier)
to refuse
|I fear
|Φοβάμαι τα σκυλιά.
je refuse
|I am afraid of dogs.
I refused
je refusai-  j’ai refusé
|'''ν’ αρνηθώ :'''
i refuse
que je refuse
|'''αρνήσου ''': refuse
'''αρνηθείτε :''' refuse - refusez
|'''αρνούμενος ''':
refused - refusé
|Passive Deponents
I busy
|I accept
|Δεχόμαστε την πρότασή σου.
je m'occupe
|We accept your proposal.
I was busy
je m'occupai
|'''να ασχοληθώ'''
I busied
que  je m'occupe
|'''ασχολήσου ''':
you busy - occupe-toi
'''ασχοληθείτε''' :
busy - occupez-vous
|'''ασχολούμενος :'''
busied – occupé
|'''βαριέμαι :'''
to get bored
|I taste
|Ο Γιώργος γεύεται το γλυκό
je m'ennuie
|George is tasting the sweet
I bored
je m'ennuyai
|'''να βαρεθώ'''
to bore
que je m'ennuie
you bore
|'''γεύομαι ''':
taste - je goûte
|'''γεύτηκα''' :
Tasted - j'ai goûté
|'''να γευτώ :'''
taste - que je goûte
|'''γεύσου''' : taste- goûte
'''γευτείτε :''' taste - goûtez
|'''γευόμενος :'''
tasted - goûté
I am born - je nais
I have born
je naquis (je suis né-e)
|'''να γεννηθώ'''
that I was born
que je naisse
|'''γεννηθείτε ''':
you bear - naissez
|'''γεννημένος''' : borne -  né
become '''-''' je deviens
|'''έγινα :'''
Become - je suis devenu-e
|'''να γίνω :'''
I became
que je devienne
|'''γίνε :''' become – deveins
'''γίνετε :''' you become'''-''' devenez
|'''γινόμενος :'''
become - devenu
|'''δέχομαι :'''
accept '''-''' j'accepte
|'''δέχτηκα :'''
accepted '''-'''  j'acceptai
|'''να δεχτώ :''' that I accept
que j'accepte
|'''δέξου :''' accept
'''δεχτείτε :''' acceptez
|'''δεχόμενος :'''
accepted - accepté
|'''είμαι :''' to be – je suis
|'''ήμουν ''': I was – j’étais
|'''να είμαι''' : I be
que  je sois
|   ----    
| ----
|'''εργάζομαι :'''
I work
je  travaille
'''I''' worked
j'ai  travaillé
|'''να εργαστώ'''
'''i''' work
que je travaille
|'''εργάσου :''' work - travaille
'''εργαστείτε :''' you work-travaillez
|'''εργαζόμενος :'''
worked  -  travaillé
|'''έρχομαι :''' come – je viens
|'''ήρθα :''' came - je  suis venu-e
|'''να έρθω :'''come -que je vienne
|'''έλα :''' come - viens
'''ελάτε :''' come - venez
|'''ερχόμενος :''' venu
|'''θυμάμαι ''':
to remember
je me rappelle
|'''θυμήθηκα :'''
i remembered
je me suis rappelé-e
|'''να θυμηθώ''' 
I remembered
que je me rappelle
|'''θυμήσου :'''
remember-  rappelle-toi
'''θυμηθείτε :'''
remember- rappelez-vous
|''' '''
|'''κάθομαι ''':
sit - je m'assois
|'''κάθισα :'''
I sat - je me suis assis
|'''να καθίσω ''' or '''να κάτσω :'''
I sat - que je m'assoie
|'''κάθισε or κάτσε :'''
Sat - ass'''ois'''-toi
'''καθίστε or κάτσετε'''
Sat - assoyez-vous
|'''κοιμάμαι :'''
I sleep '''-''' je dors
|'''κοιμήθηκα :'''
I slept '''-''' j'ai dormi
|'''να κοιμηθώ :'''
I slept - que  je dorme
|'''κοιμήσου :''' slept – dors-toi
'''κοιμηθείτε :'''
slept – dormez-vous
|'''κοιμισμένος :'''
slept - dormi
|'''λυπάμαι :'''
regret- je regrette
|'''λυπήθηκα :'''
I regretted '''-''' j'ai  regretté
|'''να λυπηθώ :'''
regret - que  je regrette
|'''λυπήσου :''' regret '''-''' regrette
'''λυπηθείτε :'''  regrettez
|'''λυπημένος :'''
regretted -  regretté
|I enjoy
|Η Ελένη απολαμβάνει μουσική.
|Eleni is enjoying the music.
|'''μιμούμαι :''' imitate - j'imite
|'''μιμήθηκα :'''
|I Feel
imitated - j'ai  imité
|Αισθάνομαι πόνο στο στομάχι.
|'''να μιμηθώ :'''
|I feel a pain in my stomach.
imitated - que  j'imite
|'''μιμήσου :''' imitate - imite
'''μιμηθείτε :''' imitate - imitez
|'''μιμούμενος :'''
imitated - imité
|'''Ξεκουράζομαι :'''
rest - je  me repos'''e'''
|I learn
|'''Ξεκουράστηκα :'''
|Τα παιδιά μαθαίνουν γράμματα.
|The children are learning letters.
rested - je  me suis repos'''é'''
|'''να ξεκουραστώ :'''
This table provides a list of Greek deponent verbs, their English translations, and examples of usage in both Greek and English. The examples illustrate how these verbs function like active verbs in sentences, with their subjects acting as the doers of the action.
'''I rest -''' que je me repos'''e'''
rest - repos'''e'''-toi
'''Ξεκουραστείτε :'''rest – repos'''ez''' vous
|''' '''
'''       -----------'''
|'''προσεύχομαι :'''
 pray - je prie
|'''προσευχήθηκα :'''
prayed - j'ai prié
|'''να προσευχηθώ :'''
pray  - que je prie
|'''προσευχήσου :''' pray - prie
'''προσευχηθείτε :''' pray - priez
prayed - prié
|'''σκέφτομαι :'''
think- je pense
|'''σκέφτηκα :'''
thought - j'ai pensé
|'''να σκεφτώ :'''
think - que  je pense
|'''σκέψου :''' think- pense
'''σκεφτείτε :''' think - pensez
|'''σκεπτόμενος :'''

thought - pensé
== Conclusion ==
Greek deponent verbs is verbs lacking active forms. They conjugate only in the passive voice forms, having either active meaning or passive meaning.
|'''συγκινούμαι :'''

touch – je touche
Forms only in the passive voice, ending -μαι in the first person singular of the present tense.
|'''Συγκινήθηκα :'''

touched -''' ''' j'ai  touché
==Other Lessons==
|'''να συγκινηθώ :'''
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Discours-direct-indirect|Discours direct indirect]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Negation|Negation]]
touch - que  je touche
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Pronouns-(Summary)|Pronouns (Summary)]]
|'''συγκινήσου :''' touch - touche
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Direct-and-indirect-speech|Direct and indirect speech]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Modern-Greek-Nouns---Endings|Modern Greek Nouns Endings]]
'''συγκινηθείτε :'''
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/The-comma|The comma]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Active-and-passive-verbs|Active and passive verbs]]
touch - touchez
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/The-Greek-sentence-types|The Greek sentence types]]
|'''συγκινημένος :'''
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/Greek-phonology-of-the-consonants-:--Φφ----Θθ-|Greek phonology of the consonants : Φφ Θθ ]]
* [[Language/Modern-greek-1453/Grammar/The-final-v|The final v]]
touched - touché
|'''υπόσχομαι :'''
I promise
je promets
|'''υποσχέθηκα :'''
Promised - j'ai promis
|'''να υποσχεθώ :'''
i promise-
que je promette
|'''υποσχέσου :'''
promise - promets
'''Υποσχεθείτε :'''
promise -  promettez
promised - promis
''' '''
|'''φαίνομαι :'''
appear - j'apparais
|'''φάνηκα :'''
I appeared - j'ai apparu
|'''να φανώ :'''
I appear -
que j'apparaisse
|'''φανού :'''
you appear - apparais
|'''φαινόμενος''' :
appeared - apparu
|'''φοβάμαι :'''
Fear - ''' '''je m’effraie
|'''φοβήθηκα :'''
feared - je  me suis effrayé
|'''να φοβηθώ :'''
fear : que je m'effraie
|'''φοβού : ''' fear '''- ''' effraie-toi
'''φοβηθείτε :''' effrayez-vous
|'''φοβούμενος or φοβισμένος'''
frightened - effrayé
|'''χαίρομαι :'''
Content -''' '''je me contente
|'''χάρηκα :'''
Contented myself
je me suis contenté
|'''να χαρώ :'''
content - que  je me contente
|''' χαρείτε :'''
content - contentez-vous
|'''χαρούμενος :'''
contented - contenté
|'''χρειάζομαι :'''
need – j’ai besoin
|'''χρειάστηκα :'''
needed - j'ai eu besoin
|'''να χρειαστώ'''
that i need - que j'aie besoin
|'''χρειαστείτε :'''
ayez eu besoin
|'''χρειαζόμενος'''( pres.)
'''χρειασθείς''' (aorist)
aie eu besoin  (nécessité)
* Ευγενική χορηγία που στοχεύει να βοηθήσει μαθητές ή μη, απανταχού της Γης, που επιδίδονται στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας!
* Contribution bénévole visant à aider les personnes, partout dans le monde, qui sont engagées dans l'apprentissage de la langue grecque !
* Voluntary contribution aimed at helping people, all over the world, who are committed to learning the Greek language!  
'''Photo : Pinterest'''

Latest revision as of 09:02, 28 May 2023

Απο θετικά.jpg
Greek Deponent Verbs (Αποθετικά ρήματα)

Greek is an inflectional language with a rich and complex verb system. Among the many types of verbs in Greek, there are deponent verbs, which play a unique role. Deponent verbs are verbs that have passive or middle forms but active meanings. This article delves into the nature of Greek deponent verbs, their classification, formation, and usage.

What are Deponent Verbs?[edit | edit source]

Deponent verbs are a category of Greek verbs that, although they appear in the middle or passive voice, convey an active meaning. The term "deponent" comes from the Latin "deponere," which means "to lay aside" – in this case, the verbs have "laid aside" their active voice forms. Deponent verbs are found in both Ancient and Modern Greek.

Classification of Deponent Verbs[edit | edit source]

Deponent verbs in Greek can be classified into three main categories:

  1. Middle Deponents: These verbs have middle voice forms and active meanings. They are the most common type of deponent verb in Greek. Examples include "έρχομαι" (I come) and "ακολουθώ" (I follow).
  2. Passive Deponents: These verbs have passive voice forms but active meanings. Examples include "δέχομαι" (I accept) and "γεύομαι" (I taste).
  3. Middle-Passive Deponents: These verbs have both middle and passive voice forms but always carry active meanings. Examples include "αισθάνομαι" (I perceive) and "μαθαίνω" (I learn).

Formation of Deponent Verbs[edit | edit source]

Deponent verbs are formed by taking the stem of a regular verb and adding middle or passive voice endings. The endings differ depending on the tense and mood of the verb. For instance, in the present indicative, the middle voice endings are "-μαι," "-σαι," "-ται," "-μεθα," "-σθε," and "-νται." In the future indicative, the endings are "-σομαι," "-ση," "-σεται," "-σομεθα," "-σεσθε," and "-σονται."

Usage of Deponent Verbs[edit | edit source]

Since deponent verbs have passive or middle forms but active meanings, they function like active verbs in a sentence. This means that their subjects are the doers of the action, and they can take direct objects in the accusative case. Deponent verbs are used in various contexts, such as expressing actions, states, or emotions. They can be found in different tenses and moods, like the indicative, subjunctive, imperative, and participle forms.

Table: Greek Deponent Verbs with Examples[edit | edit source]

Category Verb (in Greek) Verb (in English) Example (in Greek) Example (in English)
Middle Deponents έρχομαι I come Ο Νίκος έρχεται σπίτι. Nikos is coming to the house.
ακολουθώ I follow Η Μαρία ακολουθεί το δάσκαλο. Maria is following the teacher.
φοβάμαι I fear Φοβάμαι τα σκυλιά. I am afraid of dogs.
Passive Deponents δέχομαι I accept Δεχόμαστε την πρότασή σου. We accept your proposal.
γεύομαι I taste Ο Γιώργος γεύεται το γλυκό George is tasting the sweet
απολαμβάνω I enjoy Η Ελένη απολαμβάνει μουσική. Eleni is enjoying the music.
Middle-Passive αισθάνομαι I Feel Αισθάνομαι πόνο στο στομάχι. I feel a pain in my stomach.
Deponents μαθαίνω I learn Τα παιδιά μαθαίνουν γράμματα. The children are learning letters.

This table provides a list of Greek deponent verbs, their English translations, and examples of usage in both Greek and English. The examples illustrate how these verbs function like active verbs in sentences, with their subjects acting as the doers of the action.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Greek deponent verbs is verbs lacking active forms. They conjugate only in the passive voice forms, having either active meaning or passive meaning.

Forms only in the passive voice, ending -μαι in the first person singular of the present tense.

Author[edit source]


  • Ευγενική χορηγία που στοχεύει να βοηθήσει μαθητές ή μη, απανταχού της Γης, που επιδίδονται στην εκμάθηση της ελληνικής γλώσσας!
  • Contribution bénévole visant à aider les personnes, partout dans le monde, qui sont engagées dans l'apprentissage de la langue grecque !
  • Voluntary contribution aimed at helping people, all over the world, who are committed to learning the Greek language! 


Other Lessons[edit | edit source]