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Family and Relatives in Kazakh

Hello everyone,

Kazakhs place a strong emphasis on the family:

  • Kazakh families have a nomadic history and lived in yurts, which influenced close family relationships.
  • Kazakh culture values elders and expects children to show respect and obedience.
  • Family gatherings, such as weddings and celebrations, are important events to reinforce family ties and values.

In today's lesson, you'll see the different family members in Kazakh.

After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Kazakh Vocabulary, Animals, Friendship and Socializing & Romantic Relationships.

Family words in Kazakh[edit | edit source]

English Kazakh Latin letter version
Family Отбасы Otbasy
Relative Туысқан Týysqan
Mother Ана Ana
Father Әке Áke
Parents Ата-ана Ata-ana
Brother (older) Аға Aģa
Brother (younger) Іні İni
Sister (older) Әпке Ápke
Sister (younger) Қарындас (for a boy) Qaryndas
Сіңлі (for a girl) Sińli
Grandmother Әже Áje
Grandfather Ата Ata
Grandchild Немере Nemere
Great-grandchild Шөбере Şóbere
Cousin Бөле bóle
Nephew/Niece Жиен Jıen
Aunt Тәте Táte
Uncle Нағашы Naģaşy
Wife Әйел Áıel
Husband Күйеу Kúıeý
Spouse Жұбай Jubaı
Daughter Қыз Qyz
Son Ұл Ul
Daughter-in-law Келін Kelin
Son-in-law Күйеу бала Kúıeý
Sister-in-law Жеңге Jeńge
Brother-in-law Жезде Jezde
Uncle’s wife Жеңеше Jeńge
Wife’s younger sis./bro. Балдыз/Қайын іні Baldyz/Qaıyn ini
Sisters’ husbands Бажа Baja
Brothers’ wives Абысын Abysyn
Married couple’s parents Құда Quda
Mother-in-law Ене Ene
Father-in-law Қайын ата Qaıyn ata
Stepmother Өгей ана Ógeı ana
Stepfather Өгей әке Ógeı áke
Stepdaughter/Stepson Өгей қыз/ұл Ógeı qyz/ul
Twins Егіздер Egizder
Twin sister/brother Сыңар Syńar

Sides[edit | edit source]

There are also "sides" in Kazakh.

"Side" means "relatives of that person".

English Kazakh Latin letter version
Father's side Өз жұрты Óz jurty
Mother's side Нағашы жұрты Naģaşy jurty
Spouse's side Қайын жұрты Qaıyn jurty

Examples of use in sentences[edit | edit source]

  1. Мен Отбасымда жылдырамын. (Men Otbasymda jyldyramyn) I come from a big family.
  2. Менің туысқаным жақсы. (Meniñ týysqanym jaqsy) My relative is kind.
  3. Менің анам жақсы. (Meniñ anam jaqsy) My mother is beautiful.
  4. Менің әкем жақсы. (Meniñ ákem jaqsy) My father is strong.
  5. Менің ата-анам жақсы. (Meniñ ata-anam jaqsy) My parents are loving.
  6. Менің ағам үлкен. (Meniñ aģam ýlken) My older brother is big.
  7. Менің әпкем жылдыз. (Meniñ ápkem jyldyz) My older sister is smart.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Family Members in Kazakh language[edit | edit source]

Kazakh lessons (family words)[edit | edit source]

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