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[[File:Travel in Italian.png|alt=Travel in Italian|thumb|Travel in Italian]]
Ciao a tutti! 🇮🇹

Hello everybody,
In today's lesson, we will be exploring some essential '''Italian Vocabulary''' related to '''Travel'''. This will help you communicate effectively while exploring the beautiful country of Italy. Don't hesitate to add new words and expressions to this page to enhance your learning experience!

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about '''¨TRAVEL¨''' in Italian
Once you've mastered the travel vocabulary, you might also be interested in checking out other related lessons, such as our [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Bar|Italian lesson on dialogue in a bar]], where you can learn how to order your favorite drinks and engage in conversations with locals. Speaking of drinks, you can also expand your knowledge with our [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Drinks|Italian Vocabulary lesson on Drinks]] to make sure you know how to ask for a refreshing beverage during your travels. And for a fun twist, why not learn about the different [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Animal-Sounds|Italian Vocabulary for Animal Sounds]]? It's always entertaining to discover how different languages interpret the sounds animals make!
Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !
Good learning ! :)

Buon apprendimento! 😊
== '''Some words for Travelling in Italian''' ==
== '''Some words for Travelling in Italian''' ==
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*'''imbarcare''' [to board]
*'''imbarcare''' [to board]
*'''trascorrere''' [to spend]
*'''trascorrere''' [to spend]
===Top 10 Italian Phrases for Travel you NEED to know [Italian for ...===
===Learn the 20 Travel Phrases You Should Know in Italian - YouTube===
===Express What you Need- Learn Italian for Travel. - YouTube===
===Beginning Italian for Travelers with Trish Feaster - YouTube===
===Italian Phrases To TRAVEL (TOP 25 Phrases You Need in Italian ...===
==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Family|Family]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Time|Time]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Le-25-parole-e-frasi-più-usate|Le 25 parole e frasi più usate]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Problems-in-Italian|Problems in Italian]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Jobs|Jobs]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Pronouns-in-İtalian|Pronouns in İtalian]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Body|Body]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/People-in-Italian|People in Italian]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Animal-Sounds|Animal Sounds]]
* [[Language/Italian/Vocabulary/Basic-Italian-Phrases-for-Tourists|Basic Italian Phrases for Tourists]]
<span links></span>

Latest revision as of 10:17, 25 March 2023


Ciao a tutti! 🇮🇹

In today's lesson, we will be exploring some essential Italian Vocabulary related to Travel. This will help you communicate effectively while exploring the beautiful country of Italy. Don't hesitate to add new words and expressions to this page to enhance your learning experience!

Once you've mastered the travel vocabulary, you might also be interested in checking out other related lessons, such as our Italian lesson on dialogue in a bar, where you can learn how to order your favorite drinks and engage in conversations with locals. Speaking of drinks, you can also expand your knowledge with our Italian Vocabulary lesson on Drinks to make sure you know how to ask for a refreshing beverage during your travels. And for a fun twist, why not learn about the different Italian Vocabulary for Animal Sounds? It's always entertaining to discover how different languages interpret the sounds animals make!

Buon apprendimento! 😊

Some words for Travelling in Italian[edit | edit source]








01 The equipment lah treh tsah tou rah L’attrezzatura la tre tsá tu ra O equipamento
02 The trip ihl vyah joh İl viaggio iL viá djo A viagem
03 The vacation lah vah kahn tsah La vacanza la va kán tsa As férias
04 The bus lah ou toh boos L'autobus láuto bus O ônibus
05 The airport lah eh roh pohr toh L'aeroporto la e ro pór to O aeroporto
06 The sea ihl mah reh İl mare iL má re O mar
07 The bay lah bah ih ah La baia la ba í a A baía
08 The woods ihl bohs koh İl bosco iL bós co O bosque
09 The hotel lahl behr goh L'albergo laL bér go O hotel
10 The restaurant ihl rihs toh rahn teh İl ristorante iL ris to rán te O restaurante
11 The sky ihl tcheh loh İl cielo iL tché lo O céu
12 The hiking trip lehs coor syoh neh L’escursione les cur si ó ne A caminhada
13 The stranger lehs trah neh oh L’estraneo les tra né o O estrangeiro
14 The stop lah fehr mah tah La fermata la fer má ta A parada
15 The charm ihl fah shih noh İl fascino iL fa chí no O encanto
16 The crowd lah fohl lah La folla la foL la A multidão
17 The orchard ihl frou teh toh İl frutteto iL fru té to O pomar
18 The island lih soh lah L’isola lí zo la A ilha
19 The route ihl pehr cohr soh İl percorso iL per cor so O percurso
20 The field ihl prah toh İl campo iL kám po O campo
21 The harvest lah rah kohl tah La raccolta la ra cóL ta A colheita
22 The bill ihl kohn toh İl conto iL kón to A conta
23 The rock loh skoh lyoh Lo scoglio lo skó lho A rocha
24 The beach



sdrah yoh




sdrá io

A cadeira

de praia

25 The seed ihl seh meh İl seme iL sé me A semente
26 The snack loh spoun tih noh Lo spuntino lo spun tí no O lanche
27 The ploy loh strah tah jehm mah Lo stratagemma lo stra ta djém ma A manobra
28 The ferry ihl trah geh toh İl traghetto iL tra gue to A balsa
29 The peak lah veh tah La vetta la vé ta O pico
30 around ah tohr noh attorno a tór no por aí
31 famous fah moh zoh famoso fa mó zo famoso
32 far lohn tah noh lontano lon tá no longe
33 extreme ehs treh moh estremo es tré mo extremo
34 immersed ih mehr sah immersa i mér sa imerso
35 southern meh rih dyoh nah leh meridionale me ri dío na le sulista
36 rocky roh choh zoh roccioso ro tcho zo rochoso
37 luxuriant rih goh lyoh soh rigoglioso ri go lhio so luxuriante
38 wild sehl vah joh selvaggio seL va djo selvagem
39 solitary soh lih tah ryoh solitario so li tá rio solitário
40 wonderful stou pehn doh stupendo stu pén do maravilhoso
41 to board ihm bahr kah reh imbarcare im bar ka re embarcar
42 to spend trahs coh reh reh trascorrere tras co ré re gastar

Travelling – Viaggiare[edit | edit source]

  • l’attrezzatura [equipment]
  • il viaggio [journey/trip]
  • la vacanza [holiday/vacation]
  • l'autobus [bus]
  • l'aeroporto [airport]
  • il mare [sea]
  • la baia [bay]
  • il bosco [woods]
  • l'albergo [hotel]
  • il ristorante [restaurant]
  • il cielo [sky]
  • l’escursione [hiking trip]
  • l’estraneo [stranger]
  • la fermata [stop]
  • il fascino [charm/appeal]
  • la folla [crowd]
  • il frutteto [orchard]
  • l’isola [island]
  • il percorso [route]
  • il prato [field]
  • la raccolta [harvesting]
  • il conto [bill/check]
  • lo scoglio [rock]
  • la sdraio [beach chair]
  • il seme [seed]
  • lo spuntino [snack]
  • lo stratagemma [trick]
  • il traghetto [ferry]
  • la vetta [peak]
  • attorno [around]
  • celebre [famous]
  • distante [far]
  • estremo [extreme]
  • immerso [immersed]
  • meridionale [southern]
  • roccioso [rocky]
  • rigoglioso [luxuriant]
  • selvaggio [wild]
  • solitario [solitary]
  • stupendo [wonderful]
  • imbarcare [to board]
  • trascorrere [to spend]

Videos[edit | edit source]

Top 10 Italian Phrases for Travel you NEED to know [Italian for ...[edit | edit source]

Learn the 20 Travel Phrases You Should Know in Italian - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Express What you Need- Learn Italian for Travel. - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Beginning Italian for Travelers with Trish Feaster - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Italian Phrases To TRAVEL (TOP 25 Phrases You Need in Italian ...[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]