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Found 4 translations.

NameCurrent message text
 h English (en)*Example: "Meetings often starts with small talks."
==smooth/clear sailing==
"Smooth sailing" is a term used to describe a situation where success is achieved without difficulties.
 h Spanish (es)*Ejemplo: "Meetings often starts with small talks."
==smooth/clear sailing==
Describir una situación en la que el éxito se logra sin dificultades.
 h French (fr)*Exemple: "Meetings often starts with small talks."
==smooth/clear sailing==
Pour décrire une situation où le succès est atteint sans difficultés.
 h Italian (it)*Esempio: "Meetings often starts with small talks."
==smooth/clear sailing==
termine utilizzato per descrivere una situazione in cui il successo si ottiene senza difficoltà.