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===Bulgarian vs Serbian - Guess The Word Or Drink! - YouTube===
===Bulgarian vs Serbian - Guess The Word Or Drink! - YouTube===
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* [[Language/Bulgarian/Vocabulary/Useful-phrases|Useful phrases]]
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* [[Language/Bulgarian/Vocabulary/How-to-Say-Hello-and-Greetings|How to Say Hello and Greetings]]
* [[Language/Bulgarian/Vocabulary/Months-of-the-Year|Months of the Year]]


Revision as of 12:23, 6 March 2023

Bulgarian Vocabulary - Drinks

Hi Bulgarian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to talk about drinks in Bulgarian, from hot beverages to cold ones, and alcoholic to non-alcoholic ones. We will also look at some cultural background related to some popular drinks in Bulgaria.

Basic Beverages

Let's start with some of the most basic hot and cold beverages that most people drink on a daily basis. These words will also be useful when you want to order drinks at a cafe or a restaurant in Bulgaria.

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
чай (chai) /ˈtʃaj/ tea
кафе (kafe) /kaˈfɛ/ coffee
капучино (kapuchino) /kaˈputʃino/ cappuccino
горещ шоколад (goreshht shokolad) /ˈɡɔrɛʃt ʃɔkoˈlat/ hot chocolate
вода (voda) /ˈvɔda/ water
сок (sok) /sɔk/ juice
мляко (mlyako) /ˈmlʲakɔ/ milk


  • Person 1: Искам едно кафе, моля. (Iskam edno kafe, molya.) (I want a coffee, please.)
  • Person 2: И какъв вид кафе? (I kakav vid kafe?) (And what kind of coffee?)
  • Person 1: Може ли едно капучино? (Moje li edno kapuchino?) (Can I have a cappuccino?)
  • Person 2: Разбира се, едно капучино идва към вас. (Razbira se, edno kapuchino idva kam vas.) (Of course, one cappuccino coming up for you.)

Popular Alcoholic Drinks

Bulgarians enjoy a variety of alcoholic drinks, especially with Rakia, which is considered by many to be the national drink of Bulgaria. Rakia is a fruit brandy that is typically made from plums, grapes, apricots, or other fruits. Let's learn some of the most popular alcoholic drinks in Bulgaria:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
ракия (rakia) /ˈrakijɐ/ rakia (fruit brandy)
бира (bira) /biˈra/ beer
вино (vino) /ˈvino/ wine
уиски (uiski) /ˈuiski/ whiskey
коняк (konyak) /ˈkonjak/ brandy

Cultural Background: Rakia is considered to be such an important part of Bulgarian culture that it even has its own holiday. On the first Saturday of February, Bulgarians celebrate National Rakia Day (Национален Ден на Ракията), where they toast and celebrate their heritage with this beloved drink.


  • Person 1: Имате ли ракия? (Imate li rakia?) (Do you have rakia?)
  • Person 2: Да, имаме различни видове ракия. Коя предпочитате? (Da, imame razlichni vidove rakia. Koya predpochitate?) (Yes, we have different kinds of rakia. Which one do you prefer?)
  • Person 1: Предпочитам сливова ракия, моля. (Predpochitam slivova rakia, molya.) (I prefer plum brandy, please.)
  • Person 2: Окей, една сливова ракия идва към вас. (Okey, edna slivova rakia idva kam vas.) (Okay, one plum brandy coming up for you.)

Non-alcoholic Drinks

If you don't drink alcohol or want something to balance out the alcohol, non-alcoholic drinks are always a great option! Here are some of the most popular non-alcoholic drinks in Bulgaria:

Bulgarian Pronunciation English
лимонада (limonada) /liˈmonadɐ/ lemonade
кисело мляко (kiselo mlyako) /ki'sɛlɔ ml'ʲakɔ/ buttermilk
божурка (bozhurka) /ˈboʒurka/ soda pop
мате (mate) /maˈtɛ/ yerba mate
пъпеш (papes) /'papɛʃ/ watermelon juice

Cultural Background: Yerba mate is not originally from Bulgaria, it is actually a traditional drink from South America, particularly popular in Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay. Bulgarian interest in Yerba Mate started when several Bulgarian football players played for Argentinian football clubs, particularly AFA Boquense in Buenos Aires. Today, Yerba Mate can be found in many cafes and health food stores across Bulgaria.


  • Person 1: Искам лично сготвената ви кисело мляко, моля. (Iskam lichno sgotvenata vi kiselo mlyako, molya.) (I want your homemade buttermilk, please.)
  • Person 2: Разбира се, ще ви донеса чаша от нашето кисело мляко. (Razbira se, shte vi donesa chasha ot nasheto kiselo mlyako.) (Of course, I'll bring you a glass of our homemade buttermilk.)
  • Person 1: Благодаря, много е вкусно. (Blagodarya, mnogo e vkusno.) (Thank you, it's very delicious.)


That's all for our lesson on Bulgarian Vocabulary for drinks! We hope you found it helpful and interesting. Remember, if you want to practice your Bulgarian with native speakers, you can always go to Polyglot Club. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


Bulgarian vs Serbian - Guess The Word Or Drink! - YouTube

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