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|description=In this lesson, we will learn how to use the verb "be" in Tswana grammar. We will provide examples that illustrate the usage of "be" in different contexts. Through these examples, you will be able to understand how "be" is used in Tswana.
|description=In this lesson, we will learn how to use the verb "be" in Tswana grammar. We will provide examples that illustrate the usage of "be" in different contexts. Through these examples, you will be able to understand how "be" is used in Tswana.
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===Setswana Lessons : How to use the conjunction ' And ' in the ...===


Revision as of 22:24, 5 March 2023

Tswana Grammar - How to Use "Be"

Hi Tswana learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will learn how to use the verb "be" in Tswana grammar. This is a very important verb and is used in different contexts. We will provide examples that illustrate the usage of "be" in different contexts. Through these examples, you will be able to understand how "be" is used in Tswana. 📚

Basic Grammar

The verb "be" is an essential verb in Tswana. The word "be" in Tswana is "ke." The word "ke" is used to describe the state of something or someone.

In Tswana, the verb "be" is a prefix. The prefix changes according to the subject of the sentence. This means that for each subject, a different verb prefix is used. Let's take the example of the word "I." In Tswana, the word "I" is "ke." Therefore, to say "I am" in Tswana, we use the verb prefix "ke."

Here are the verb prefixes for "be" in Tswana:

Subject Verb prefix Example sentence
I (ke) ke- Ke nna motswana. (I am a Motswana.) You (singular) o- O ne a tlhoka. (You are hungry.) He/She/It e- E re ke tla o ya. (He says I will take you.) We (inclusive) re- Re tsena gae. (We are at home.) We (exclusive) ba- Ba tsweletse mo setlhareng. (They left their shoes in the closet.) You (plural) le- Le tswetse bogobe. (You finished eating.) They ba- Ba tlhoka banna. (They need men.)

Present Tense

In Tswana, the present tense of “be” is expressed by using the verb prefix and adding "-a." Here are some examples of this tense:

Tswana Pronunciation English
Kea tlhoka ke-a tlʰoka I am hungry
O a tlhoka o-a tlʰoka You (singular) are hungry
E a tlhoka e-a tlʰoka He/She/It is hungry
Rea tshaba re-a tʃhɑba We are happy
Ba a tlhokang ba-a tlʰokaŋ They are hungry

Here is an example dialogue in the present tense:

  • Person 1: Kea tlhoka. (I am hungry)
  • Person 2: O a tlhoka? (Are you hungry?)
  • Person 1: Ee, kea tlhoka. (Yes, I am hungry.)

Past Tense

To express the past tense of "be" in Tswana, we use the verb prefix and add "-ile." Here are some examples:

Tswana Pronunciation English
Ke tlhokile ke tlʰokile I was hungry
O tlhokile o tlʰokile You (singular) were hungry
E tlhokile e tlʰokile He/She/It was hungry
Re tshabatile re tʃhɑbatile We were happy
Ba tlhokileng ba tlʰokilɛŋ They were hungry

Here is an example dialogue in the past tense:

  • Person 1: Ke tlhokile. (I was hungry.)
  • Person 2: O tswa kae? (Where were you?)
  • Person 1: Ke tlhokile gae. (I was hungry at home.)

Future Tense

To express the future tense of "be" in Tswana, we use the verb prefix and add "-tla." Here are some examples:

Tswana Pronunciation English
Ke tla tlhoka ke tla tlʰoka I will be hungry
O tla tlhoka o tla tlʰoka You (singular) will be hungry
E tla tlhoka e tla tlʰoka He/She/It will be hungry
Re tla tshaba re tla tʃhɑba We will be happy
Ba tla tlhoka ba tla tlʰoka They will be hungry

Here is an example dialogue in the future tense:

  • Person 1: Ke tla tlhoka. (I will be hungry.)
  • Person 2: O tla fetoga kae? (Where will you go?)
  • Person 1: Ke tla fetoga kwa gae. (I will go home.)

Present Continuous Tense

To express the present continuous tense of "be" in Tswana, we use the verb prefix and add "-gona." Here are some examples:

Tswana Pronunciation English
Ke nna ke tlhokagantsho ke nna ke tlʰokaga:ntsʰo I am currently hungry
O a tlhokagantsho o a tlʰokaga:ntsʰo You (singular) are currently hungry
E e tlhokagantsho e e tlʰokaga:ntsʰo He/She/It is currently hungry
Re nna re tshabagantsho re nna re tʃhɑbaga:ntsʰo We are currently happy
Ba ba tlhokagantsho ba ba tlʰokaga:ntsʰo They are currently hungry

Here is an example dialogue in the present continuous tense:

  • Person 1: Ke nna ke tlhokagantsho. (I am currently hungry.)
  • Person 2: O ka bua jang? (What are you doing?)
  • Person 1: Ke nna ke itshoka. (I am watching TV.)


In this lesson, we learned about the verb "be" in Tswana grammar. We provided examples that illustrated how "be" is used in different tenses. Remember that using "be" in Tswana depends on the subject of the sentence, and the verb prefix changes accordingly.

To improve your Tswana Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


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