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===Present past and future tense in Afrikaans - YouTube===
===Present past and future tense in Afrikaans - YouTube===
==Related Lessons==
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* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/The-Rule-of-“One-Knee”|The Rule of “One Knee”]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Pronouns|Pronouns]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Formal-vs-Informal-Imperatives|Formal vs Informal Imperatives]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Gender|Gender]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Common-Compound-Verbs-+-Conjugations|Common Compound Verbs + Conjugations]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Nouns|Nouns]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Conditional-Mood|Conditional Mood]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Sentence-Structure|Sentence Structure]]
* [[Language/Afrikaans/Grammar/Modal-verbs-(can,-must,-want-and-will)|Modal verbs (can, must, want and will)]]


Revision as of 21:37, 25 February 2023

Afrikaans Grammar - Future Tense

Hi Afrikaans learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will be discussing the future tense in Afrikaans. The future tense is used to talk about actions that will take place in the future. It is important to understand the rules of the future tense in order to communicate effectively in Afrikaans.

Forming the Future Tense

The future tense in Afrikaans is formed by adding the suffix "-s" to the verb stem. For example, the verb "drink" (to drink) becomes "drinks" in the future tense.

Regular Verbs

Most regular verbs follow the same pattern when forming the future tense. The verb stem is simply followed by the suffix "-s". For example:

Afrikaans Pronunciation English Translation
eet /eːt/ to eat
eets /eːts/ will eat
drink /drɪŋk/ to drink
drinks /drɪŋks/ will drink
loop /lop/ to walk
loops /lops/ will walk

Irregular Verbs

Some verbs are irregular and do not follow the same pattern as regular verbs. For example, the verb "wees" (to be) becomes "sal wees" in the future tense.

Afrikaans Pronunciation English Translation
wees /veːs/ to be
sal wees /sɑl veːs/ will be
/heː/ to have
sal hê /sɑl heː/ will have
kan /kɑn/ can
sal kan /sɑl kɑn/ will be able to

Using the Future Tense

The future tense is used to talk about actions that will take place in the future. It can also be used to make predictions or assumptions about the future.

For example:

  • Ek sal vanaand eet. (I will eat tonight.)
  • Sy sal môre kom. (She will come tomorrow.)
  • Ons sal dalk vroeg gaan slaap. (We might go to sleep early.)


To improve your Afrikaans Grammar, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎


Present past and future tense in Afrikaans - YouTube

Related Lessons