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Berber Vocabulary - Animal

In this page we will learn some names of animals.

NB: the structure of the words in the list above will be like that: "berber" = "french" / "english".

- Amudr = "Animal / Animal. "

- Aywal = "Domestique / Domestic."

- Tissist = "Araignée / Spider."

- Aydi = " Chien / Dog."

- Amcic = "Chat / Cat."

- Agunid = "Abeille / Bee."

- Igider = "Aigle / Eagle."

- Asid = "Autruche / Ostrich."

- Izimmer = "Bélier / Sheep."

- Tawina = "Bestiole / Beast."

- Azger = "Bœuf / Beef."

- Alem = "Chameau / Camel."

- Azyam = "Dauphin / Dolphin."

- Ayis = "Cheval / Horse."

- Aylal = "Oiseau / Bird."

- Aqnin = "Lapin / Rabbit."

- Aselm = "Poisson / Fish."

- Izem = "Lion / Lion."

- Agulez = "Loup / Wolf."