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[[File:Astronomy in Indonesian.png|alt=Astronomy in Indonesian|thumb|'''Astronomy in Indonesian''']]
Hello everybody,
In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about '''¨ASTRONOMY¨''' in Indonesian
Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !
Good learning ! :)
== '''Astronomy in Indonesian''' ==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|'''<big>PRONUNCIATION IN</big>'''
|'''''ahs teh royd'''''
|'''''ahs troh noht'''''
|'''<big>ahli astronomi</big>'''
|'''''ahH lih ahs troh noh mih'''''
|'''''koh meht'''''
|'''<big>rasi / konstelasi</big>'''
|'''''rah sih / kohns teh lah sih'''''
|'''''bou mih'''''
|'''''gah lah ksih'''''
|'''''jou pih tehr'''''
|'''''mehr kou rih oos'''''
|'''''meh teh ohr'''''
|'''<big>meteorite / batu bintang</big>'''
|'''''meh teh oh rih teh / bah tou bihn tahn'''''
|'''''bou lahn'''''
|'''''neh bou lah'''''
|'''''nehp tou noos'''''
|'''''plah neht'''''
|'''''plou toh'''''
|'''''sah toor nous'''''
|'''''lahn giht'''''
|solar system
|'''<big>tata surya</big>'''
|'''''tah tah soo ryah'''''
|Sistema solar
|'''''ahn kah sah'''''
|'''<big>kendaraan angkasa</big>'''
|'''''kehn dah raan ahn kah sah'''''
|Nave espacial
|'''''bihn tahn'''''
|'''''mah tah hah rih'''''
|'''''teh lehs kohp'''''
|'''<big>alam semesta</big>'''
|'''''ah lahm seh mehs tah'''''
|'''''ou rah nous'''''
|Milky way
|'''<big>Bima sakti</big>'''
|'''''bih mah sahk tih'''''
|Via Láctea
|'''''veh nous'''''
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|Vénus |}
| Vénus  |}

Revision as of 18:28, 23 April 2021

Astronomy in Indonesian
Astronomy in Indonesian


Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ASTRONOMY¨ in Indonesian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Good learning ! :)



Astronomy in Indonesian





asteroid asteroid ahs teh royd Asteróide
astronaut astronot ahs troh noht Astronauta
astronomer ahli astronomi ahH lih ahs troh noh mih Astrônomo
comet komet koh meht Cometa
constellation rasi / konstelasi rah sih / kohns teh lah sih Constelação
Earth Bumi bou mih Terra
galaxy galaksi gah lah ksih Galáxia
Jupiter Jupiter jou pih tehr Júpiter
Mars Mars mahrs Marte
Mercury Merkurius mehr kou rih oos Mercúrio
meteor meteor meh teh ohr Meteoro
meteorite meteorite / batu bintang meh teh oh rih teh / bah tou bihn tahn Meteorito
moon bulan bou lahn Lua
nebula nebula neh bou lah Nebulosa
Neptune Neptunus nehp tou noos Netuno
planet planet plah neht Planeta
Pluto Pluto plou toh Plutão
Saturn Saturnus sah toor nous Saturno
sky langit lahn giht Céu
solar system tata surya tah tah soo ryah Sistema solar
space angkasa ahn kah sah Espaço
spaceship kendaraan angkasa kehn dah raan ahn kah sah Nave espacial
star bintang bihn tahn Estrela
sun matahari mah tah hah rih Sol
telescope teleskop teh lehs kohp Telescópio
universe alam semesta ah lahm seh mehs tah Universo
Uranus Uranus ou rah nous Urano
Milky way Bima sakti bih mah sahk tih Via Láctea
Venus Venus veh nous Vênus
English Indonesian French
asteroid asteroid un astéroïde
astronaut astronot un/une astronaute
astronomer ahli astronomi un/une astronome
comet komet la comète 
constellation rasi / konstelasi la constellation 
Earth Bumi La terre 
galaxy galaksi la galaxie 
Jupiter Jupiter Jupiter 
Mars Mars Mars 
Mercury Merkurius Mercure 
meteor meteor le météore 
meteorite meteorite / batu bintang la météorite 
moon bulan la lune 
nebula nebula la nébuleuse 
Neptune Neptunus Neptune 
planet planet la planète 
Pluto Pluto Pluton 
Saturn Saturnus Saturne
sky langit le ciel
solar system tata surya le système solaire
space angkasa l'espace (masculine)
spaceship kendaraan angkasa le vaisseau spatial 
star bintang une étoile
sun matahari le soleil 
telescope teleskop le télescope 
universe alam semesta l’univers (masculine) 
Uranus Uranus Uranus 
Milky way Bima sakti la voie lactée
Venus Venus }