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<div class="pg_page_title">Basque Vocabulary - Education</div>
<div class="pg_page_title">Basque Vocabulary - Education</div>
Hi [https://polyglotclub.com/language/basque Basque] learners! 😊<br>In this lesson, you will learn the most important Basque words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in Basque. __TOC__

== Education ==
Hi [https://polyglotclub.com/language/basque Basque] learners! 😊<br>In this lesson, we will cover the vocabulary related to education. Education is an important part of Basque culture, and the Basque language has a rich vocabulary to describe it. Learning these words will help you better understand the education system and have more meaningful and engaging conversations with Basque speakers. So, let's get started!
=== Basics ===

Basque is a language with a rich vocabulary. Here are some of the most important words related to education:  
== Education System ==
The education system in [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_Country_(autonomous_community) Basque Country] is bilingual, with classes taught in both Basque and Spanish. The Basque language has a long history of being suppressed and even banned during the Franco era, but since then, the Basque people have fought to revive and preserve their language. Nowadays, Basque is widely spoken and taught in schools.
Here are some words to help you understand the Basque education system:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English Translation
| Eskola    || /ˈes.ko.la/  || School
| ikasteko || ee-kahs-teh-koh || to learn
| Unibertsitatea    || /u.ni.ber.tsi.ta.'te.a/  || University
| ikasten || ee-kahs-ten || to study
| Irakaslea  || /i.ra.ka.sle.a/  || Teacher (Male)
| ikasten du || ee-kahs-ten doo || to be studying
| Irakaslearen kontratua  || /i.ra.ka.sle.a.'ren k̪on.t̪ra.t̪u.a/  || Teacher's contract
| ikasten ari naiz || ee-kahs-ten ah-ree nah-eez || I am studying
| Gaztelera  || /ɡas.te.'le.ɾa/  || Spanish (language)
| ikasten dut || ee-kahs-ten doot || I have studied
| Euskara    || /eu̯s.'ka.ɾa/ || Basque (language)

=== School ===
Here's a typical conversation at a Basque school:

School is an important part of education. Here are some of the most important words related to school:  
* Person 1: Irakasleak ere euskara hitz egiten du? (Do teachers also speak Basque?)
* Person 2: Bai, irakasleak euskaraz eta gazteleraz irakasten dute. (Yes, teachers teach in Basque and Spanish.)
== School Subjects ==
Here are some school subjects, along with their corresponding vocabulary:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English Translation
| Matematika    || /ma.te.ma.'ti.ka/  || Mathematics
| eskola || eh-skoh-lah || school
| Fisika  || /fi.'si.ka/ || Physics
| ikasle || ee-kahs-leh || student
| Kimika  || /ki.'mi.ka/  || Chemistry
| irakasle || ee-rah-kahs-leh || teacher
| Lengua Castellana    || /'leŋ.ɡwa kas.te.'ʎa.na/  || Spanish Language and Literature
| liburua || lee-boo-roo-ah || book
| Euskara eta Literatura || /eu̯s.'ka.ɾa e.ta li.te.ru.'tu.ɾa/ || Basque Language and Literature
| liburu-liburua || lee-boo-roo-lee-boo-roo-ah || library
| Historia    || /is.to.'ɾi.a/  || History
| ikastaroa || ee-kahs-tah-roh-ah || course

=== Degrees ===
Here's an example dialogue using these words:
* Person 1: Zer da zuk gustuko duzun gaia? (What is your favorite subject?)
* Person 2: Nire gustokoenak euskara eta literatura eta historia dira. (My favorite subjects are Basque language and literature and history.)
== Academic Degrees ==

Getting a degree is an important part of education. Here are some of the most important words related to degrees:  
Achieving a degree is a significant accomplishment in any culture. Here are some common academic degrees in the Basque language:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English
! Basque !! Pronunciation !! English Translation
| Lizenziatura    || /li.'sen.t̪si̯a.t̪u.ɾa/  || Bachelor's degree
| gradu || grah-doo || degree
| Gradua    || /ɡɾa.'du.a/  || Undergraduate degree
| graduatu || grah-doo-ah-too || to graduate
| Masterra    || /mas.'ter.ra/ || Master's degree
| graduatua || grah-doo-ah-too-ah || graduated
| Doktorea    || /do̞k̟.'to̞.ɾe.a/  || Doctorate degree
| graduatu naiz || grah-doo-ah-too nah-eez || I have graduated
| graduatu dut || grah-doo-ah-too doot || I have graduated
| graduatu nintzen || grah-doo-ah-too neen-tsen || I graduated

=== Practice ===
Here's an example dialogue using academic degrees:
To improve your [[Language/Basque|Basque]] [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]], you can also use the [https://polyglotclub.com Polyglot Club] website. [https://polyglotclub.com/find-friends.php?search=send&d=0&f=36&offre1=14 Find native speakers] and ask them any [https://polyglotclub.com/language/basque/question questions]!
* Person 1: Zer titulu akademiko duzu? (What academic degree do you have?)
* Person 2: Nire lizentziatura matematiketan lortu nuen. (I achieved my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.)
== Conclusion ==
We hope that this lesson has been informative and useful for your learning journey. Remember that your best resource for learning Basque is [https://polyglotclub.com Polyglot Club], where you can find native speakers and ask them any [https://polyglotclub.com/language/basque/question questions]. Keep practicing and improving your [https://polyglotclub.com/language/basque Basque] [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary|Vocabulary]]. Education is one of the key aspects of Basque culture, understanding its vocabulary will give you deeper insights into the culture. By doing so, you are making an important contribution to preserving and promoting the richness of [[Language/Basque|Basque]] heritage.

<hr>➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.<br>➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎
<hr>➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.<br>➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎
== Sources ==
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_Country_(autonomous_community) Basque Country]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francoism Franco era]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basque_language Basque language]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Education_in_Spain Education in Spain]

|title=Basque Vocabulary - Education
|title=Basque Vocabulary - Education
|keywords=Basque, Education, Vocabulary, Learn, Study, School, Degree, Graduate
|keywords=Basque language, education, Basque education system, Basque culture, Basque school, Basque vocabulary, academic degrees, Matematika, Fisika, Kimika, Lengua Castellana, Euskara, Historia, Lizenziatura, Gradua, Masterra, Doktorea
|description=In this lesson, you will learn the most important Basque words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in Basque.
|description= Learning these words will help you better understand the education system and have more meaningful and engaging conversations with Basque speakers.
==Related Lessons==
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Count-to-10|Count to 10]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Feelings|Feelings]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Colors|Colors]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Camping|Camping]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Adverbs-in-Basque|Adverbs in Basque]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Computers|Computers]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Fruits|Fruits]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Problems-in-Basque|Problems in Basque]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Feelings-and-Emotions|Feelings and Emotions]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Essencial-Phrases-in-Basque|Essencial Phrases in Basque]]


Revision as of 01:30, 4 March 2023

Basque Vocabulary - Education

Hi Basque learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will cover the vocabulary related to education. Education is an important part of Basque culture, and the Basque language has a rich vocabulary to describe it. Learning these words will help you better understand the education system and have more meaningful and engaging conversations with Basque speakers. So, let's get started!

Education System

The education system in Basque Country is bilingual, with classes taught in both Basque and Spanish. The Basque language has a long history of being suppressed and even banned during the Franco era, but since then, the Basque people have fought to revive and preserve their language. Nowadays, Basque is widely spoken and taught in schools.

Here are some words to help you understand the Basque education system:

Basque Pronunciation English
Eskola /ˈes.ko.la/ School
Unibertsitatea /u.ni.ber.tsi.ta.'te.a/ University
Irakaslea /i.ra.ka.sle.a/ Teacher (Male)
Irakaslearen kontratua /i.ra.ka.sle.a.'ren k̪on.t̪ra.t̪u.a/ Teacher's contract
Gaztelera /ɡas.te.'le.ɾa/ Spanish (language)
Euskara /eu̯s.'ka.ɾa/ Basque (language)

Here's a typical conversation at a Basque school:

  • Person 1: Irakasleak ere euskara hitz egiten du? (Do teachers also speak Basque?)
  • Person 2: Bai, irakasleak euskaraz eta gazteleraz irakasten dute. (Yes, teachers teach in Basque and Spanish.)

School Subjects

Here are some school subjects, along with their corresponding vocabulary:

Basque Pronunciation English
Matematika /ma.te.ma.'ti.ka/ Mathematics
Fisika /fi.'si.ka/ Physics
Kimika /ki.'mi.ka/ Chemistry
Lengua Castellana /'leŋ.ɡwa kas.te.'ʎa.na/ Spanish Language and Literature
Euskara eta Literatura /eu̯s.'ka.ɾa e.ta li.te.ru.'tu.ɾa/ Basque Language and Literature
Historia /is.to.'ɾi.a/ History

Here's an example dialogue using these words:

  • Person 1: Zer da zuk gustuko duzun gaia? (What is your favorite subject?)
  • Person 2: Nire gustokoenak euskara eta literatura eta historia dira. (My favorite subjects are Basque language and literature and history.)

Academic Degrees

Achieving a degree is a significant accomplishment in any culture. Here are some common academic degrees in the Basque language:

Basque Pronunciation English
Lizenziatura /li.'sen.t̪si̯a.t̪u.ɾa/ Bachelor's degree
Gradua /ɡɾa.'du.a/ Undergraduate degree
Masterra /mas.'ter.ra/ Master's degree
Doktorea /do̞k̟.'to̞.ɾe.a/ Doctorate degree

Here's an example dialogue using academic degrees:

  • Person 1: Zer titulu akademiko duzu? (What academic degree do you have?)
  • Person 2: Nire lizentziatura matematiketan lortu nuen. (I achieved my Bachelor's degree in Mathematics.)


We hope that this lesson has been informative and useful for your learning journey. Remember that your best resource for learning Basque is Polyglot Club, where you can find native speakers and ask them any questions. Keep practicing and improving your Basque Vocabulary. Education is one of the key aspects of Basque culture, understanding its vocabulary will give you deeper insights into the culture. By doing so, you are making an important contribution to preserving and promoting the richness of Basque heritage.

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

