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[[File:At the beach in Serbian.png|alt=At the beach in Serbian|thumb|'''At the beach in Serbian''']]
[[File:At the beach in Serbian.png|alt=At the beach in Serbian|thumb|'''At the beach in Serbian''']]
Hello Everyone, 😊
Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic'''”AT THE BEACH”''' in Serbian
In today's lesson, we are going to explore the exciting topic of '''"AT THE BEACH"''' in Serbian. As you dive into this lesson, you'll learn essential vocabulary to make your beach experience even more enjoyable. After mastering this lesson, you can also expand your Serbian vocabulary by checking out our lessons on [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Free-Time-Activities|Free Time Activities]], [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/School|Serbian Vocabulary: School]], and [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Astronomy|Serbian Vocabulary - Astronomy]]. Feel free to contribute and edit these pages if you think they can be improved! Have a fantastic time learning! 😄
Please feel free to edit this page if you think it can be improved!
Good learning!

== '''At the beach in Serbian''' ==
== '''At the beach in Serbian''' ==
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|Do you like to sunbathe?
|Do you like to sunbathe?
==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/New-Year's|New Year's]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Dinner-Table|Dinner Table]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Adjectives-in-Serbian|Adjectives in Serbian]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Asking-Directions|Asking Directions]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/School|School]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Animal|Animal]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Count-from-1-to-10|Count from 1 to 10]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Numbers|Numbers]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Camping|Camping]]
* [[Language/Serbian/Vocabulary/Shopping|Shopping]]
<span links></span>

Latest revision as of 13:00, 25 March 2023

At the beach in Serbian
At the beach in Serbian

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today's lesson, we are going to explore the exciting topic of "AT THE BEACH" in Serbian. As you dive into this lesson, you'll learn essential vocabulary to make your beach experience even more enjoyable. After mastering this lesson, you can also expand your Serbian vocabulary by checking out our lessons on Free Time Activities, Serbian Vocabulary: School, and Serbian Vocabulary - Astronomy. Feel free to contribute and edit these pages if you think they can be improved! Have a fantastic time learning! 😄


At the beach in Serbian[edit | edit source]





bikini бикини bikini
kupaći kostim купаћи костим swimsuit
more море sea
pesak песак sand
šešir шешир sun hat
sunčane naočare сунчане наочаре sunglasses
japanke јапанке flip flops
galeb галеб seagull
plaža плажа beach
kraba краба crab
suncobran сунцобран parasol
ležaljka лежаљка deckchair
lopta za plažu лопта за плажу beach ball
kofa i lopatica кофа и лопатица bucket and spade
sladoled сладолед ice cream
daska za surfing даска за сурфинг surfboard
talasi таласи waves
jahta јахта yacht
pedalina педалина paddleboat
brod брод boat
turisti туристи tourists
morska zvezda морска звезда starfish
školjka шкољка seashell
šorc шорц shorts
sandale сандале sandals
sunčati se сунчати се to sunbathe
roniti ронити to dive
plivati пливати to swim
obala обала shore / coast
zaliv залив bay
koral корал coral
meduza медуза jellyfish
dagnje дагње mussels
lignja лигња squid
plima плима high tide
oseka осека low tide
okean океан ocean
ostrvo острво island
spasilac спасилац lifeguard
krema za sunčanje крема за сунчање sun cream
pojas za spasavanje појас за спасавање life jacket
palma палма palm tree

Examples[edit | edit source]





Kada ste poslednji put bili na plaži? Када сте последњи пут били на плажи? When was the last time you went to the beach?
Umeš li da plivaš? Умеш ли да пливаш? Can you swim?
Kada ste naučili da plivate? Када сте научили да пливате? When did you learn to swim?
Da li ste ikada išli na noćno kupanje? Да ли сте икада ишли на ноћно купање? Have you ever been night-swimming?
Da li ste ikada igrali odbojku na plaži? Да ли сте икада играли одбојку на плажи? Have you ever volleyball on the beach?
Da li ste sakupljali školjke? Да ли сте сакупљали шкољке? Have you ever collected seashells?
Koja je tvoja omiljena plaža? Која је твоја омиљена плажа? Which is your favorite beach?
Da li volite sunčanje? Да ли волите сунчање? Do you like to sunbathe?

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]