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<span link>Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Hotel-in-Romanian|Hotel in Romanian]] & [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Work-and-Business|Work and Business]].</span>
== Common Emotions ==
== Common Emotions ==

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== Sources ==
<span class='maj'></span>
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_language Romanian Language]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Romanian_language#Vocabulary Romanian Vocabulary]
* [https://www.romanianpod101.com/romanian-vocabulary-lists/words-and-phrases-to-help-you-describe-your-feelings Romanian Vocabulary to Help You Describe Your Feelings]
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Romanian_Idioms List of Romanian Idioms]
* [https://www.romanianpod101.com/romanian-vocabulary-lists/feeling-happy-learn-the-top-20-words-for-positive-emotions/ Learn the Top 20 Romanian Words for Positive Emotions]

<span link>Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Legal-Terminology-and-Justice-System|Legal Terminology and Justice System]] & [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Family-and-Relationships|Family and Relationships]].</span>
|title=Romanian Vocabulary - Feelings and Emotions
|title=Romanian Vocabulary - Feelings and Emotions
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|description=In this Romanian lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to feelings and emotions, idioms, and expressions. Improve your language learning with Polyglot Club.
|description=In this Romanian lesson, you will learn vocabulary related to feelings and emotions, idioms, and expressions. Improve your language learning with Polyglot Club.
==Other Lessons==
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Geography|Geography]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Body|Body]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/People-in-Romanian|People in Romanian]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Food|Food]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Useful-Sentenses|Useful Sentenses]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Adjectives-in-Romanian|Adjectives in Romanian]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Cardinal-Directions-(Direcţii-cardinale)|Cardinal Directions (Direcţii cardinale)]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Numbers|Numbers]]
* [[Language/Romanian/Vocabulary/Food-in-Romanian|Food in Romanian]]

<span links></span>

Latest revision as of 21:55, 27 March 2023

Romanian Vocabulary - Feelings and Emotions

Hi Romanian learners! 😊
In this lesson, we will explore vocabulary related to feelings and emotions in Romanian. Emotions are integral to human experience, and when we learn a new language, it's essential to be able to express ourselves accurately. Romanian is a language known for its romantic and expressive nature, and that comes across in the words used to describe emotions. Let's dive in!

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Hotel in Romanian & Work and Business.

Common Emotions[edit | edit source]

In any language, some emotions are used more frequently than others. Here are some of the most common feelings and emotions one could encounter in everyday life:

Romanian Pronunciation English
fericire /feri'ʧire/ happiness
tristețe /tri'steʦe/ sadness
mânie /mɨ'nie/ anger
frica /fri'ka/ fear
dezgust /de'zɡust/ disgust
surprindere /sur'prindere/ surprise

Here are some examples of how these emotions could be used in context:

  • Person 1: Ce fel de muzică ascultă ți place? (What kind of music do you like to listen to?)
  • Person 2: Ascult muzică upbeat, mă face să mă simt fericit. (I listen to upbeat music, it makes me feel happy.)
  • Person 1: De ce ești trist? (Why are you sad?)
  • Person 2: Am pierdut un prieten apropiat. (I lost a close friend.)
  • Person 1: Ce-ai pățit? De ce ești așa de mânie? (What's wrong? Why are you so angry?)
  • Person 2: Am avut o zi grea la serviciu.(I had a tough day at work.)
  • Person 1: Nu vreau să merg acolo. Mi-e frică să merg singur noaptea. (I don't want to go there. I'm afraid to go alone at night.)
  • Person 1: Gustă această mâncare? (Do you like this food?)
  • Person 2: Nu, mă face să simt dezgust. (No, it makes me feel disgusted.)
  • Person 1: Surpriză! (Surprise!)
  • Person 2: Wow, nu am știut că vei veni. (Wow, I didn't know you were going to come.)

Advanced Emotions[edit | edit source]

Apart from these basic emotions, there are more complex feelings that cannot be accurately described with just one word, and they may differ from person to person. Here are some of the more advanced emotions in Romanian:

Romanian Pronunciation English
întristare /intri'stare/ melancholy
dorință /do'rinʦə/ desire
nostalgie /nostalʤe/ nostalgia
importanta /impor'tanta/ importance
mandrie /mandri'e/ pride

Let's see some examples:

  • Person 1: Ce s-a întâmplat, ai o privire tristă? (What happened, you have a sad look?)
  • Person 2: Nu știu exact, doar am o întristare inexplicabilă. (I don't know exactly, I just have an unexplainable melancholy.)
  • Person 1: Care este cea mai mare dorință a ta? (What is your biggest desire?)
  • Person 2: Vreau să călătoresc în jurul lumii. (I want to travel around the world.)
  • Person 1: Ce este această piesă muzicală? Pare că te face să te gândești la ceva. (What is this song? It seems to make you think about something.)
  • Person 2: Da, este o piesă care mă face să îmi amintesc de vremurile bune. Mă simt nostalgic. (Yes, it's a song that makes me remember good times. I feel nostalgic.)
  • Person 1: Pentru mine, calitatea este importantă atunci când cumpăr haine. (For me, quality is important when I buy clothes.)
  • Person 2: Pentru mine, aspectul și originalitatea au aceeași importanta. (For me, appearance and originality have the same importance.)
  • Person 1: Imi place sa lucrez din greu si pasiunea mea pentru munca depusa este motivul. (I like to work hard, and my passion for the work I do is the reason.)
  • Person 2: Ăsta este motivul pentru care ai un asemenea grăunte de mandrie. (That's the reason you have such a grain of pride.)

Idioms related to emotions[edit | edit source]

Sometimes, Romanian people use idioms and expressions to express emotions. We will try to learn some of these as they can be helpful with speaking and understanding Romanian speakers' expressions better.

Romanian Pronunciation English
a fi la pamant /a fi la pamant/ to be down
a avea o inima de piatra /a avea o inima de piatra/ to have a heart of stone
a arunca in aer /a arunca în aer/ to blow up
a fi in nori /a fi în nori/ to be in the clouds
  • Person 1: Ai auzit despre petrecerea lui Andrei? (Have you heard about Andrei's party?)
  • Person 2: Da, dar m-am simțit constant la pamant. (Yes, but I felt constantly down.)
  • Person 1: De ce nu îți dăruiești iubirea? (Why don't you give your love?)
  • Person 2: Pentru că am avut o inimă de piatră după acea ruptură. (Because I had a heart of stone after that breakup.)
  • Person 1: Ce sa întamplat acolo? (What happened there?)
  • Person 2: A fost o explozie. Au aruncat în aer o clădire. (There was an explosion. They blew up a building.)
  • Person 1: Ce te face să zâmbești așa de mult? (What makes you smile so much?)
  • Person 2: Mă simt în nori pentru că am întâlnit pe cineva special. (I'm in the clouds because I met someone special.)

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Learning vocabulary related to emotions and feelings is essential to master any language, and Romanian is no exception. The vivid and expressive nature of Romanian language allows one to express themselves with passion and clarity, and learning this kind of vocabulary will help you communicate effectively. To improve your Romanian Vocabulary, you can use Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

"Repetitio est mater studiorum" - "Repetition is the mother of studies" - so practice as much as you can. 😊

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

Sources[edit | edit source]

Well done on mastering this lesson! Don't miss these related pages to expand your knowledge: Legal Terminology and Justice System & Family and Relationships.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]