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== 1. قَــــــــــــديماً ==
== Heading level 1 ==

Arabic is one of the world's oldest languages, dating back to the 1st century. It is the official language of 28 countries in the Middle East and Africa. In the Arabic language, questions are formed using question words.
=== Heading level 2 ===

== 2. Question Words ==
The Arabic language, like any other language, uses question words to ask questions. In this lesson, you will learn the different question words in Arabic and their usage.

Question words in Arabic are used to ask questions. Here are the most common question words in Arabic:
==== Heading level 3 ====

=== 2.1. مَـــا ===
There are several question words in Arabic that you need to know. Below is a table of the most commonly used question words and their meanings.
The question word “مَـــا” is used to ask for a definition or explanation of something. For example:

{| class="wikitable"
{| class="wikitable"
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! English
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! North Azerbaijani
| مَا هُوَ اسْمُكَ؟ || ma huwa ismuka? || What is your name?
| ماذا (mādhā) || /maː.ðaː/ || ماذا
| مَا هَذَا؟ || ma hadha? || What is this?
| متى (matā) || /ma.taː/ || متى
| مَا تَعْرِفُ؟ || ma ta'rif? || What do you know?
| كم (kam) || /kam/ || كم
=== 2.2. مَـــن ===
The question word "مَـــن" is used to ask about a person or origin. For example:
{| class="wikitable"
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! English
| مَـــن أَنْتَ؟ || man anta? || Who are you?
| أين (ʾayna) || /ʔajna/ || أين
| مَـــن هُوَ؟ || man huwa? || Who is he?
| مَنْ (man) || /man/ || مَنْ
| مَـــن نَحْنُ؟ || man nahnu? || Who are we?
| لِمَاذَا (limādhā) || /li.maː.ðaː/ || لِمَاذَا
=== 2.3. مَـــاذَا ===
The question word "مَـــاذَا" is used to ask for a specific thing or object. For example:
{| class="wikitable"
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! English
| مَاذَا تَرِيدُ أَنْ تَأْكُلَ؟ || ma tha turid an ta'kul? || What do you want to eat?
| كَيْفَ (kayfa) || /kajfa/ || كَيْفَ
| مَاذَا هُوَ يَبْحَثُ عَنْهُ؟ || ma tha huwa yabhatu 'anhu? || What is he looking for?
| هَلْ (hal) || /hal/ || هَلْ
| مَاذَا يَحْدُثُ لَنَا؟ || ma tha yahduthu lana? || What is happening to us?

=== 2.4. مَـــتَى ===
==== Heading level 3 ====

The question word "مَـــتَى" is used to ask about time. For example:
Here is an explanation of the different question words:

{| class="wikitable"
* ماذا (mādhā) - This word is used to ask "what".
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! English
* متى (matā) - This word is used to ask "when".
* كم (kam) - This word is used to ask "how many" or "how much".
| مَـــتَى تَأْتِي؟ || mata ta'ti? || When will you come?
* أين (ʾayna) - This word is used to ask "where".
* مَنْ (man) - This word is used to ask "who".
| مَـــتَى كَانَ ذَلِكَ؟ || mata kana dhalika? || When was that?
* لِمَاذَا (limādhā) - This word is used to ask "why".
* كَيْفَ (kayfa) - This word is used to ask "how".
| مَـــتَى يَغْلِقُ المَطْعَمُ؟ || mata yaghliqul math'am? || When does the restaurant close?
* هَلْ (hal) - This word is used to ask "whether".
==== Heading level 3 ====

=== 2.5. لِـــمَـــاذَا ===
Here are some examples of how these question words are used in Arabic:

The question word "لِـــمَــاذَا" is used to ask for a reason or purpose. For example:
* ماذا تفعل؟ (mādhā tafʿal?) - What are you doing?
* متى تأكل الغداء؟ (matā taʾkul al-ghadāʾ?) - When do you eat lunch?
* كم سنة عمرك؟ (kam sanah ʿumruka?) - How old are you?
* أين المطعم؟ (ʾayna al-maṭʿam?) - Where is the restaurant?
* مَنْ هوَ صديقك المفضل؟ (man huwa ṣadīquka al-mufaḍḍal?) - Who is your best friend?
* لِمَاذَا تذهب إلى المدرسة؟ (limādhā taḏhab ʾilā al-madrasah?) - Why do you go to school?
* كَيْفَ حالُك؟ (kayfa ḥāluka?) - How are you?
* هَلْ تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tataḥaddath al-ʿarabiyyah?) - Do you speak Arabic?

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=== Heading level 2 ===
! Standard Arabic !! Pronunciation !! English
| لِـــمَــاذَا تَذْهَبُونَ فِي الْرِّحْلَةِ؟ || limatha tadhhabuna fi arrahlah? || Why are you going on a trip?
| لِـــمَــاذَا تَتَأَخَّرُ؟ || limatha tata'akhkhur? || Why are you late?
| لِـــمَــاذَا يَقْفُ الطَّائِرُ؟ || limatha yaqfu atta'ir? || Why does the bird stop?

== 3. Conclusion ==
In conclusion, question words are essential in any language, including Arabic. By learning these words and their usage, you will be able to communicate better and ask questions more effectively.

Congratulations! You have learned the different question words in Arabic and their usage. Don't forget to practice them in conversations!
== Heading level 1 ==

|title=درس عن كلمات الستفهام باللغة العربية الفصحى
|title=درس النحو العربي القياسي → كلمات الاستفهام
|keywords=الأسئلة، العربية، درس، مبتدئ
|keywords=النحو العربي القياسي, كلمات الاستفهام, مستوى A1
|description=سوف تتعلّم في هذا الدرس كيفية استخدام كلمات الأسئلة المختلفة في العربية.
|description=في هذا الدرس، ستتعلم كلمات الاستفهام المختلفة في اللغة العربية واستخداماتها. يندرج هذا الدرس تحت دورة "النحو العربي القياسي كاملة من 0 إلى A1".

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<span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo></span> <span temperature=1></span>
<span openai_trad_correc_php></span> <span gpt></span> <span model=gpt-3.5-turbo></span> <span temperature=0.7></span>

==Other lessons==
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Basic-prepositions/az|0 to A1 Course → Grammar → Basic prepositions]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Differences-from-English-relative-clauses/az|0 to A1 Course → Grammar → Differences from English relative clauses]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Comparative-and-superlative/az|Comparative and superlative]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Formation-and-usage/az|Sıfırdan A1 səviyyəsinə qədər tamamı → Qrammatika → Yaradılması və istifadəsi]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Third-conditional-and-mixed-conditionals/az|Third conditional and mixed conditionals]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/0-to-A1-Course/az|0 to A1 Course]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Present-tense-conjugation/az|Present tense conjugation]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Past-tense-conjugation/az|0 to A1 Course → Grammar → Past tense conjugation]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Masculine-and-feminine-nouns/az|0- A1 Kursu → Qrammatika → Maskulin və müfəssəl isimlər]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Adjective-agreement-and-placement/az|Adjective agreement and placement]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Basic-Arabic-phrases/az|0 to A1 Dərəcəsi → Qrammar → Əsas Ərəb əyani ifadələr]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/First-and-second-conditional/az|0 to A1 Kursu → Qrammatika → Birinci və ikinci şərtlər]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Differences-from-the-active-voice/az|Differences from the active voice]]
* [[Language/Standard-arabic/Grammar/Arabic-vowels/az|Arabic vowels]]


Latest revision as of 16:17, 13 May 2023

Standard ArabicGrammar0 to A1 CourseQuestion words

Heading level 1[edit | edit source]

Heading level 2[edit | edit source]

The Arabic language, like any other language, uses question words to ask questions. In this lesson, you will learn the different question words in Arabic and their usage.

Heading level 3[edit | edit source]

There are several question words in Arabic that you need to know. Below is a table of the most commonly used question words and their meanings.

Standard Arabic Pronunciation North Azerbaijani
ماذا (mādhā) /maː.ðaː/ ماذا
متى (matā) /ma.taː/ متى
كم (kam) /kam/ كم
أين (ʾayna) /ʔajna/ أين
مَنْ (man) /man/ مَنْ
لِمَاذَا (limādhā) /li.maː.ðaː/ لِمَاذَا
كَيْفَ (kayfa) /kajfa/ كَيْفَ
هَلْ (hal) /hal/ هَلْ

Heading level 3[edit | edit source]

Here is an explanation of the different question words:

  • ماذا (mādhā) - This word is used to ask "what".
  • متى (matā) - This word is used to ask "when".
  • كم (kam) - This word is used to ask "how many" or "how much".
  • أين (ʾayna) - This word is used to ask "where".
  • مَنْ (man) - This word is used to ask "who".
  • لِمَاذَا (limādhā) - This word is used to ask "why".
  • كَيْفَ (kayfa) - This word is used to ask "how".
  • هَلْ (hal) - This word is used to ask "whether".

Heading level 3[edit | edit source]

Here are some examples of how these question words are used in Arabic:

  • ماذا تفعل؟ (mādhā tafʿal?) - What are you doing?
  • متى تأكل الغداء؟ (matā taʾkul al-ghadāʾ?) - When do you eat lunch?
  • كم سنة عمرك؟ (kam sanah ʿumruka?) - How old are you?
  • أين المطعم؟ (ʾayna al-maṭʿam?) - Where is the restaurant?
  • مَنْ هوَ صديقك المفضل؟ (man huwa ṣadīquka al-mufaḍḍal?) - Who is your best friend?
  • لِمَاذَا تذهب إلى المدرسة؟ (limādhā taḏhab ʾilā al-madrasah?) - Why do you go to school?
  • كَيْفَ حالُك؟ (kayfa ḥāluka?) - How are you?
  • هَلْ تتحدث العربية؟ (hal tataḥaddath al-ʿarabiyyah?) - Do you speak Arabic?

Heading level 2[edit | edit source]

In conclusion, question words are essential in any language, including Arabic. By learning these words and their usage, you will be able to communicate better and ask questions more effectively.

Heading level 1[edit | edit source]

0-dan A1-ə qədər Standart Ərəb Dili Kursları - Məzmun cədvəli[edit source]

Ərəb əlifbasının təqdimatı

Ərəb dilində ism və cinsiyət

Ərəb dilində fiillər və onların çəkimi

Ərəb dilində sayılar və saymaq

Gündəlik Ərəb dilində lüğət

Ərəb dilində yemək və içki lüğəti

Ərəb ədəbiyyatı və mədəniyyəti

Ərəb musiqisi və əyləncə

Ərəb dilində sifət və ismlər

Ərəb dilində zamir

Ərəb dilində öndərlik edənlər

Ərəb dilində soruşdurucu

Ərəb dilində zarf

Nəqliyyat lüğəti

Məişət və pul lüğəti

Ərəb ədəbiyyatı və şeirlər

Ərəb xətwrit və sənəti

Hava lüğəti

Ərəb dilində şərti cümlələr

Ərəb dilində passive səslilik

Ərəb dilində sıfət və ismlər

Ərəb kinoteatrı və TV

Ərəb modası və güzəllik

İdman və boş zaman lüğəti

Other lessons[edit | edit source]