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Lithuanian Vocabulary → Family and Relationships → Friendship and Social Life


Making friends and socializing is an important part of life, and learning how to do so in Lithuanian can help you connect with others and immerse yourself in Lithuanian culture. In this lesson, we will focus on the vocabulary and phrases you need to know to make friends and converse with others in social settings.


Below are some essential Lithuanian vocabulary words and phrases for friendship and social life:

Lithuanian Pronunciation English
draugas dräu-gus friend
gerai sugyventi guh-rye suh-gy-ven-tee get along well
bendrauti ben-drau-ti socialize
vakarėlis va-ka-reh-lis party
pokalbis po-kal-bis conversation
susipažinti suh-si-pa-žin-ti get to know each other
susitikti suh-si-tik-ti meet
prašyti tel. nr. pra-ši-ti te-lė-fo-nų nŭmė-rių ask for phone number
susirašyti el. paštu suh-si-ra-šy-ti ėl. paš-tu exchange emails


Here are some Lithuanian phrases you can use to start and maintain a conversation with someone:

  • Sveikas/sveika! - Hello! (informal)
  • Laba diena! - Good day! (formal)
  • Kaip jums sekasi? - How are you? (formal)
  • Kaip sekasi? - How are you? (informal)
  • Ačiū, gerai. - Thank you, I'm good. (formal)
  • Ačiū, gerai. O kaip jums? - Thank you, I'm good. And how are you? (formal)
  • Labai gerai, ačiū. - Very well, thank you. (formal)
  • O kaip sekasi jums? - And how are you? (formal)
  • Malonu susipažinti. - Nice to meet you. (formal)
  • Radau tave labai mielą/mieląją. - I find you very nice. (informal)
  • Ar norėtumėte susitikti ateityje? - Would you like to meet again in the future? (formal)
  • Gerai praleidau laiką. - I had a great time. (informal/formal)
  • Ačiū už vakarėlį. - Thank you for the party. (informal/formal)

Cultural Notes

In Lithuanian culture, it is important to be respectful towards others and use formal language when conversing with those you have just met or those in positions of authority. When making plans with friends, it is common to decide on the time and location in advance, rather than spontaneously suggesting a venue. Additionally, in Lithuanian culture, it is customary to bring a small gift or token of appreciation when invited to someone's home for the first time. This could be a small bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates.


By learning the Lithuanian vocabulary and phrases for making friends and socializing, you can feel more comfortable and confident in social situations in Lithuania. Remember to be respectful and use formal language when necessary, and don't forget the importance of small gifts or tokens of appreciation. Keep practicing and honing your Lithuanian language skills, and soon you'll be conversing like a pro!

Table of Contents - Lithuanian Course - 0 to A1

Introduction to Lithuanian

Greetings and Introductions

Nouns and Pronouns

Numbers and Time

Verbs and Tenses

Food and Dining

Adjectives and Adverbs

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Services

Lithuanian Traditions and Customs
