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|description=In this lesson, you will learn the most important Basque words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in Basque.
|description=In this lesson, you will learn the most important Basque words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in Basque.
==Related Lessons==
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* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Feelings|Feelings]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Colors|Colors]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Camping|Camping]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Adverbs-in-Basque|Adverbs in Basque]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Computers|Computers]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Fruits|Fruits]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Problems-in-Basque|Problems in Basque]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Feelings-and-Emotions|Feelings and Emotions]]
* [[Language/Basque/Vocabulary/Essencial-Phrases-in-Basque|Essencial Phrases in Basque]]


Revision as of 21:43, 25 February 2023

Basque Vocabulary - Education

Hi Basque learners! 😊
In this lesson, you will learn the most important Basque words related to education. Knowing these words will help you understand and communicate better in Basque.



Basque is a language with a rich vocabulary. Here are some of the most important words related to education:

Basque Pronunciation English Translation
ikasteko ee-kahs-teh-koh to learn
ikasten ee-kahs-ten to study
ikasten du ee-kahs-ten doo to be studying
ikasten ari naiz ee-kahs-ten ah-ree nah-eez I am studying
ikasten dut ee-kahs-ten doot I have studied


School is an important part of education. Here are some of the most important words related to school:

Basque Pronunciation English Translation
eskola eh-skoh-lah school
ikasle ee-kahs-leh student
irakasle ee-rah-kahs-leh teacher
liburua lee-boo-roo-ah book
liburu-liburua lee-boo-roo-lee-boo-roo-ah library
ikastaroa ee-kahs-tah-roh-ah course


Getting a degree is an important part of education. Here are some of the most important words related to degrees:

Basque Pronunciation English Translation
gradu grah-doo degree
graduatu grah-doo-ah-too to graduate
graduatua grah-doo-ah-too-ah graduated
graduatu naiz grah-doo-ah-too nah-eez I have graduated
graduatu dut grah-doo-ah-too doot I have graduated
graduatu nintzen grah-doo-ah-too neen-tsen I graduated


To improve your Basque Vocabulary, you can also use the Polyglot Club website. Find native speakers and ask them any questions!

➡ If you have any questions, please ask them in the comments section below.
➡ Feel free to edit this wiki page if you think it can be improved. 😎

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