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Numbers in Venetian
Numbers in Venetian 

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨NUMBERS¨ in Venetian

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Happy learning ! :)

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Venetian Vocabulary, Basic Phrases in Venetian, Future Tense in Venetian & Indefinite Articles in Venetian.

Some Numbers in Venetian[edit | edit source]








one oon / ou nah un / una un / una um / uma
two doh do dois / duas
three treh tre tre três
four kou ah troh cuatro kuá tro quatro
five thihn kou eh zsinque Sin kúe cinco
six syeh sie síe seis
seven seh teh sete sé te sete
eight oh toh oto óto oito
nine noh veh nóve nó ve nove
ten dyeh zeh diexe díe ze dez
eleven ohn deh zeh ondexe ón de ze onze
twelve doh deh zeh dodexe dó de ze doze
thirteen treh deh zeh tredexe tré de ze treze
fourteen kou ah tohr deh zeh cuatòrdexe kua tór de ze quatorze
fifteen kou ihn deh zeh quìndexe kúin de ze quinze
sixteen seh deh zeh sédexe sé de ze dezesseis
seventeen dih zih seh teh dixisete di zi sé te dezessete
eighteen dihs doh toh disdoto dis dó to dezoito
nineteen dihs noh veh disnove dis nó ve dezenove
twenty vihn tih vinti vín ti vinte
twenty one vihn tih - ou noh vinti-uno vin tú u no vinte e um
twenty two vihn tih - doh vinti-dó vin tí do vinte e dois
twenty three vihn tih treh vinti-tre vin tí tre vinte e três
thirty trehn tah trenta trén ta trinta
forty kou ah rahn tah cuaranta kúa ran ta quarenta
fifty thihn kou ahn tah zsincuanta Sin kúan ta cinquenta
sixty seh sahn tah sesanta se sán ta sessenta
seventy seh tahn tah setanta se tán ta setenta
eighty oh tahn tah otanta o tán ta oitenta
ninety noh vahn tah novanta no ván ta noventa
one hundred thehn toh zsento Sén to cem
two hundred doh zehn toh doxento do zén to duzentos
three hundred treh zehnt toh trexento tre zén to trezentos
four hundred kou ah troh zehn toh cuatroxento kúa tro zen to quatrocentos
five hundred thihn kou eh thehn toh zsinquezsento Sin kue Sen to quinhentos
six hundred syeh thehn toh siezsento síe Sento seiscentos
seven hundred seh teh thehn toh setezsento se te Sento setecentos
eight hundred oh toh thehn toh otozsento o to Sento oitocentos
nine hundred noh veh thehn toh novezsento no ve Sen to novecentos
one thousand mee eh miłe mii e mil
two thousand doh mee ah dó miła do mii a dois mil

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