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Vehicles Vocabulary in Tajik

Салом Tajik Learners! 😃

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some vocabulary related to Vehicles in the Tajik language.

Happy learning!

English Tajik Pronunciation
Subway Подземка Podzemka
Train Поезд Poyezd
Taxi Такси Taksi
Sail Киштӣ Kiştī
Plane Тайёра Tajjora
Motorcycle Мотоцикл Motocikl
Bus Автобус Avtoʙus
Chopper Чоппер Copper
Bicycle Велосипед Velosiped
Ambulance Ёрии таъҷилӣ Jorii ta'çilī
Ship Сипар Sipar

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