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◀️ Common Foods — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Present Tense ▶️

TajikVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Food and Dining → Eating and Drinking

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Tajik vocabulary related to eating and drinking! In this lesson, we will explore the words and phrases commonly used when talking about food, mealtimes, utensils, and beverages in Tajik. Understanding these vocabulary words will not only help you navigate the dining experience in Tajikistan but also enable you to have meaningful conversations about food and dining with native Tajik speakers. So let's dive in and expand our Tajik language skills in the context of eating and drinking!

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Meal Times[edit | edit source]

To begin, let's explore the Tajik vocabulary for different meal times. Meal times are an important part of Tajik culture, and knowing the appropriate terms for each mealtime will allow you to engage in conversations about food and dining in Tajikistan. Here are some commonly used meal times in Tajik:

Tajik Pronunciation English Translation
соҳаҳо sohaho meal times
соҳаи собҳон sohai sobhon breakfast
соҳаи пешин sohai peshin lunch
соҳаи шом sohai shom dinner
соҳаи шаб sohai shab supper

Utensils[edit | edit source]

Next, let's learn some Tajik vocabulary related to utensils. When dining in Tajikistan, you may come across different utensils, and knowing their names will help you navigate the table setting. Here are some commonly used utensils in Tajik:

Tajik Pronunciation English Translation
чашни нав chashni nav plate
чашни дошак chashni doshak bowl
тасни чай tasni chai tea cup
қадаҳ qadah glass
қадаҳи сӯхан qadahi sukhan wine glass
чайник chaynik teapot
каса kasa spoon
чашка chashka saucer
пиола piola fork
нож nozh knife
катрок katrok napkin

Beverages[edit | edit source]

Now, let's explore some Tajik vocabulary related to beverages. Tajikistan has a rich tea-drinking culture, and tea is often served during social gatherings and meals. Here are some commonly used beverage terms in Tajik:

Tajik Pronunciation English Translation
чой choi tea
ҳамом hamom coffee
мораббо morabbo juice
ширини shirini sweet
синабон sinabon cinnamon
чиноҳ chin

Table of Contents - Tajik Course - 0 to A1[edit source]

Alphabet and Pronunciation

Greetings and Introductions

Basic Sentence Structure

Numbers and Time

Nouns and Pronouns

Family and Relationships

Adjectives and Adverbs

Food and Dining

Verbs and Tenses

Travel and Transportation

Prepositions and Conjunctions

Shopping and Money

Tajik Customs and Traditions

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

◀️ Common Foods — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Present Tense ▶️


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