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SindhiVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Situations → At School

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson "Sindhi Vocabulary → Everyday Situations → At School"! In this lesson, we will learn the vocabulary related to school, subjects, and classroom items in Sindhi. This topic is essential for anyone who wants to communicate effectively in Sindhi, as it allows you to talk about your educational experiences, ask questions about school, and discuss various subjects. By the end of this lesson, you will have a strong foundation in Sindhi vocabulary related to the school environment.

In this lesson, we will cover the following key areas:

1. School-related vocabulary: Learn the names of different types of schools, classrooms, and educational institutions in Sindhi. 2. Subject-related vocabulary: Explore the Sindhi names for various subjects taught in schools. 3. Classroom items vocabulary: Discover the names of objects commonly found in classrooms and their Sindhi translations.

Throughout the lesson, we will provide numerous examples to illustrate each vocabulary word, allowing you to practice and reinforce your learning. Additionally, we will delve into the cultural aspects of the school environment in Sindhi-speaking regions, sharing interesting facts and anecdotes that will enhance your understanding of the language and its usage in everyday life.

Let's embark on this exciting journey of learning Sindhi vocabulary related to the school environment!

School-related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

To begin, let's explore the vocabulary related to schools and educational institutions in Sindhi. Understanding these terms will enable you to talk about different types of schools and ask questions about educational settings. Here are some essential words and phrases:

Sindhi Pronunciation English Translation
سڪول skool School
ٻيڙي ڪلاس biṛi klas Elementary School
مڪتب maktab Madrasa
ڪاليج kālij College
يونيورسٽي yūnīvarsṭī University
تعليمي ادارو taʿlīmī idārū Educational Institution
اسڪول جي گدري iskūl jī gadrī School Bag

Let's use these words in context:

- ميري بيٽي سڪول ۾ پڙڻ جي وڌيڪ خوشي ٿي آهي. (Mīrī beṭī skūl mēṇ paṛṇ jī vaḍī khūśī ṭī āhī.) - My daughter is very happy to go to school. - توهان جي ٻيڙي ڪلاس ٻڌائيندو آهي؟ (Tuhān jī biṛi klas biṛṛā'indu āhī?) - Which grade are you in? - مڪتب ۾ سنڌي پوڙي ٿي آهي. (Maktab mēṇ Sindhi paṛṛī ṭī āhī.) - I am learning Sindhi at the madrasa. - مان جو انتظامي ڪارڪردگي تعليمي اداري ۾ آهي. (Mān jō intizāmī kārkarḍagī taʿlīmī idārī mēṇ āhī.) - My mother works in an educational institution. - مانجي اسڪول جي گدري سگھايو هئي آهي. (Mānjī iskūl jī gadrī sughāyō hī āhī.) - I lost my school bag.

Remember to practice these words and phrases frequently to reinforce your learning.

Subject-related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

In this section, we will focus on the vocabulary related to subjects taught in schools. Knowing these terms will enable you to discuss your favorite subjects, ask questions about specific subjects, and engage in educational conversations. Here are some important subject-related words and phrases:

Sindhi Pronunciation English Translation
سنڌي Sindhi Sindhi
انگريزي angrezī English
عربي ʿarabī Arabic
نجماتي najamātī Mathematics
ساينس sāins Science
سماجيات sāmjīāt Social Studies
تفتيحي taftīḥī Geography
علمي ʿilmī Physics
كيميا kīmyā Chemistry
صحت sehat Health
گنتي gaṇtī Accounting

Let's use these words in context:

- مان سنڌي ۾ پڙڪر ٿياندو آهيان. (Mān Sindhi mēṇ paṛkara ṭīāndu āhīān.) - We are studying in Sindhi. - توهان انگريزي ۾ ٻڌائيندو آهيو؟ (Tuhān angrezī mēṇ biṛṛā'indu āhiyō?) - Are you studying in English? - سائنس منهنجو پسند ڪيترو آهي. (Sāins manhinjō pasand kītaru āhī.) - Science is my favorite subject. - مان سماجيات ۾ پڙڪر ٿياندو آهيو. (Mān sāmjīāt mēṇ paṛkara ṭīāndu āhiyō.) - I am studying Social Studies. - سڀ سان تفتيحي جي ڪتابون ساڻيو آهيون. (Sabh sān taftīḥī jī kitābūn sāṇiyō āhiyōn.) - We have borrowed Geography books from everyone. - علمي سانچون ڪتابون سڻو آهي. (ʿilmī sānchōn kitābūn sāṇu āhī.) - I have bought Physics books. - مان جي ڪيميا ۾ ٻڌائي ٿي. (Mān jī kīmyā mēṇ biṛṛā'i ṭī.) - I am failing in Chemistry. - صحت جو ڪورس منهنجي پسنديده آهي. (Sehat jō kōrs manhinjī pasandīdō āhī.) - I am interested in the Health course. - مان جي گنتي ۾ ٻڌائي ٿي. (Mān jī gaṇtī mēṇ biṛṛā'i ṭī.) - I am failing in Accounting.

Make sure to practice these subject-related vocabulary words regularly to enhance your language skills.

Classroom Items Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Now, let's explore the vocabulary related to classroom items in Sindhi. These words will help you identify and discuss various objects commonly found in classrooms. By familiarizing yourself with this vocabulary, you will be able to communicate effectively about classroom items and understand instructions given by teachers. Here are some essential words and phrases:

Sindhi Pronunciation English Translation
تڪليفي ڪتاب taklīfī kitāb Textbook
نوٽ بڪ nōṭ bok Notebook
قلم qalam Pen
پينسل pēnsl Pencil
ربڪ rabak Chalk
چاڪ بورڊ chāk bōrḍ Chalkboard
بلي bilī Whiteboard
ماڪرئوفون mākrūfōn Marker
كتابيندي kitābīndī Bookshelf
چوڙي chōṛī Scissors
پيپر كٽر pēpar kaṭar Paper Cutter
پيپر pēpar Paper
جيب بيت jīb bīṭ Pocket Folder
گھڙو ghaṛō Clock
بينڪ bēnk Desk
چيئر chēr Chair

Let's use these words in context:

- مان جو تڪليفي ڪتاب ڏيڻ گهرجي آهي. (Mān jō taklīfī kitāb ḍēṇu gahrijī āhī.) - I forgot to bring my textbook. - توهان جي نوٽ بڪ ٺاهي ٿي آهي؟ (Tuhān jī nōṭ bok ṭāhī ṭī āhī?) - Where is your notebook? - مان جي قلم گهرجي هويو آهي. (Mān jō qalam gahrijī hōyō āhī.) - I lost my pen. - مان چاڪ هٿو ڏيو ٿو. (Mān chāk hēṭō ḍēyō ṭō.) - I broke the chalk. - استاد شاگردن کي چاڪ بورڊ ۾ لکڻ جو ڪهڙو ڏيڻدي آهي. (Asṭād shāgradan kī chāk bōrḍ mēṇ likṇu jō kahṛu ḍēṇḍī āhī.) - The teacher is writing on the chalkboard. - استاد چيئر سانچون چوڙي جي مشاورت ڪري رهيو آهي. (Asṭād chēr sānchōn chōṛī jī mashwaraṭu kari rahiyō āhī.) - The teacher is consulting about the chair. - مان جي گھڙو واپس ڏيڻدي آهي. (Mān jō ghaṛō wāpas ḍēṇḍī āhī.) - I need to return the clock. - استاد پنهنجي بينڪ تي بيٽڪاري ٿيو آهي. (Asṭād panhinjī bēnk tē biṭkārī ṭīyō āhī.) - The teacher is sitting at his desk. - مان جي چيئر ڪنهن سانچون ٻيڌي ڪري رهيو آهي. (Mān jō chēr kanehīn sānchōn biṛṛī kari rahiyō āhī.) - Someone has taken my chair.

Practicing these classroom items vocabulary words will help you become more confident in your Sindhi language skills.

Cultural Insight: The Importance of Education in Sindhi-speaking Regions[edit | edit source]

Education holds great significance in Sindhi-speaking regions, and schools play a crucial role in shaping the lives of individuals and communities. The pursuit of knowledge is highly valued, and education is seen as a means to achieve personal growth, social mobility, and economic prosperity.

Historically, Sindhi-speaking regions have been centers of learning and scholarship. The ancient Indus Valley Civilization, which thrived in present-day Sindh, had a well-developed system of education. The region produced renowned scholars, philosophers, and mathematicians who made significant contributions to various fields of knowledge.

Today, schools in Sindhi-speaking regions continue to promote education and provide opportunities for students to learn and excel. The curriculum includes a wide range of subjects, including languages, mathematics, sciences, social studies, and more. Students are encouraged to pursue their interests and develop a well-rounded understanding of the world.

Schools in Sindhi-speaking regions also celebrate cultural events and festivals, allowing students to connect with their heritage and traditions. These events provide a platform for showcasing traditional music, dance, and art forms, fostering a sense of pride and belonging among students.

Furthermore, the Sindhi language holds a special place in the education system. It is taught as a subject in schools, ensuring the preservation and promotion of the language among future generations. By learning Sindhi, students gain a deeper understanding of their cultural roots and heritage.

Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now, let's put your knowledge to the test with some exercises. Practice the vocabulary you have learned so far by completing the following scenarios:

1. Scenario: You are talking to a friend about your school. Describe your school in Sindhi, including its name, location, and facilities available.

2. Scenario: You are at a parent-teacher meeting. Ask the teacher about your child's progress in different subjects, using Sindhi vocabulary related to subjects.

3. Scenario: You are in a classroom and need to borrow a pencil from a classmate. Use appropriate Sindhi phrases to ask for a pencil.

4. Scenario: You are organizing a school event and need to discuss the arrangements with a teacher. Use Sindhi vocabulary related to classroom items to communicate your requirements.


1. Solution: مان جو اسڪول ۾ دارالعلوھو ٽائپو ٻيڙو آهي. (Mān jō iskūl mēṇ Dār al-ʿilmūḥ ṭāʾipū biṛṛō āhī.) - My school is a Darul Uloom type school.

2. Solution: استاد، ميري ماڻهنجي سنڌي جو پڙڪر ڏيڻ جوڳو هوندي آهي؟ (Asṭād, mīrī māṇhinjī Sindhi jō paṛkara ḍēṇu jōku hundī āhī?) - Teacher, how is my child's progress in Sindhi?

3. Solution: استاد، مان ڪرڪ ڏيڻ لاءِ پينسل وٺاڻ جوڳو هوندي آهي؟ (Asṭād, mān karak ḍēṇu lā'āi pēnsl wēṭāṇu jōku hundī āhī?) - Teacher, do you have a pencil to borrow?

4. Solution: استاد، مان چاڪ بورڊ ۾ رنگو ڪيچن ٻڌائيندو آهي؟ (Asṭād, mān chāk bōrḍ mēṇ raṅgō kīcīn biṛṛā'indu āhī?) - Teacher, I need a kitchen for coloring on the chalkboard.

Congratulations on completing the exercises! Keep practicing and reviewing the vocabulary to strengthen your understanding of Sindhi in a school context.

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we have explored the vocabulary related to school, subjects, and classroom items in Sindhi. We have learned essential words and phrases that will enable you to talk about schools, ask questions about educational settings, discuss various subjects, and identify classroom items. Additionally, we have gained insights into the cultural significance of education in Sindhi-speaking regions, highlighting the importance of schools and the preservation of the Sindhi language.

Continue practicing the vocabulary and scenarios provided in this lesson to reinforce your learning. As you progress, you will develop a strong foundation in Sindhi and be able to communicate effectively in various everyday situations.

Well done on completing the lesson "Sindhi Vocabulary → Everyday Situations → At School"! Keep up the great work and stay motivated on your journey to mastering Sindhi!

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