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Religion in Polish
Religion in Polish


Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”RELIGION” in Polish

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Religion in Polish[edit | edit source]





Catholicism Katolicyzm kah toh lih chihsm Catolicismo
Catholic Katolik kah toh lihk Católico
(Catholic) Church Kościół kohsh choh ou (Igreja Católica)
Easter Wielkanoc vyehl kah nohts Páscoa
Christmas Boże Narodzenie boh zheh nah roh jeh nyeh Natal
Islam Islam ihs lahm Islamismo
Muslim Muzułmanin mou zoo mah nihn Muçulmano
Mosque Meczet meh cheht Mesquita
Protestantism Protestantyzm proh tehs tahn tehsm Protestantismo
Protestant Priest Pastor pahs tohr Padre protestante
Protestant Church Zbór zboor Igreja protestante
Buddhism Buddyzm bou dehsm Budismo
Buddhist Buddysta bou dehs tah Budista
Buddha Budda bou dah Buda
Atheism Ateizm ah teh ihsm Ateísmo
Atheist Ateista ah teh ihs tah Ateu
Agnosticism Agnostycyzm ah gih nohs teh chehsm Agnosticismo
Agnostic Agnostyk a gih nohs tehk Agnóstico
Judaism Judaizm you dah ihsm Judaísmo
Jew Żyd zhehd Judeu
Synagogue Synagoga seh nah goh gah Sinagoga
Hinduizm Hinduism ihn dou ihsm Hinduizm
Hindu Hinduista ihn dou ihs tah Hindu
Temple Świątynia shih vyohn teh nyah Templo
Anglicanism Anglikanizm ahn glih kah nihsm Anglicanismo
Anglican Anglikanin ahn glih kah nihn Anglicano

Here is some vocabulary about religion in Polish:

  • Katolicyzm - Catholicism
  • Katolik - Catholic
  • Kościół - (Catholic) Church
  • Wielkanoc - Easter
  • Boże Narodzenie - Christmas
  • Islam - Islam
  • Muzułmanin - Muslim
  • Meczet - Mosque
  • Protestantyzm - Protestanitsm
  • Pastor - Protestant Priest
  • Zbór - Protestant Church
  • Buddyzm - Buddhism
  • Buddysta - Buddhist
  • Budda - Buddha
  • ateizm - atheism
  • ateista - atheist
  • agnostycyzm - agnosticism
  • agnostyk - agnostic
  • Judaizm - Judaism
  • Żyd - Jew
  • Synagoga - Synagogue
  • Hinduism - Hinduizm
  • Hinduista - Hindu
  • Świątynia - Temple
  • Anglikanizm - Anglicanism
  • Anglikanin - Anglican

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