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◀️ Noun Cases in Nepali — Previous Lesson Next Lesson — Introduction to Nepali Verbs ▶️

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Nepali (individual language) Grammar → Nouns and Pronouns → Pronouns in Nepali

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on "Pronouns in Nepali"! In this lesson, we will explore the different types of pronouns in the Nepali language and how they are used in sentences. Pronouns play a crucial role in communication as they replace nouns to avoid repetition and make our speech or writing more concise. Understanding pronouns is essential for effective communication in Nepali. So, let's dive in and explore the fascinating world of Nepali pronouns!

Types of Pronouns in Nepali[edit | edit source]

In Nepali, like in many other languages, there are several types of pronouns. Each type serves a specific purpose and has its own unique characteristics. Let's take a closer look at each type of pronoun:

Personal Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Personal pronouns in Nepali are used to refer to specific people or things. These pronouns change based on the grammatical person, gender, and number. Here are the different forms of personal pronouns in Nepali:

Nepali (individual language) Pronunciation English
म (ma) I, me
तिमी (timī) timī you (singular, informal)
तपाईं (tapāīṁ) tapāīm̐ you (singular, formal)
उ (u) u he, him
उनी (unī) unī she, her
हाम्रो (hāmro) hāmro we, our, us
तपाईंहरूको (tapāīṁharūko) tapāīm̐harūko your (plural, formal)
हाम्रो (hāmro) hāmro our (plural)
उनीहरूको (unīharūko) unīharūko their
  • Personal pronouns are often used to introduce oneself or address others. For example:
    • मेरो नाम रिता हो। (Mero nām ritā ho.) - My name is Rita.
    • तपाईंको नाम के हो? (Tapāīṁko nām ke ho?) - What is your name?
  • Personal pronouns can also be used as the subject or object of a sentence. For example:
    • उ पढ्छ। (U paḍhcha.) - He is studying.
    • म तिमीलाई देख्छु। (Ma timīlāī dekchhu.) - I see you.

Demonstrative Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Demonstrative pronouns in Nepali are used to point out specific people or things. These pronouns indicate the proximity of the object in relation to the speaker. Here are the different forms of demonstrative pronouns in Nepali:

Nepali (individual language) Pronunciation English
यो (yo) yo this
त्यो (tyo) tyo that
त्यो (tyo) tyo it
यी (yī) these
ती (tī) those
  • Demonstrative pronouns are useful when we want to draw attention to something specific. For example:
    • यो किताब रामको हो। (Yo kitāb rāmkō ho.) - This book belongs to Ram.
    • त्यो घर रिताको छ। (Tyo ghar ritākō cha.) - That house is Rita's.
  • Demonstrative pronouns can also be used to replace a noun in a sentence. For example:
    • मेरो कम्प्युटर फोहोर छ, त्यो त रामको हो। (Mero kampyūṭar phōhōra cha, tyo ta rāmkō ho.) - My computer is broken, that one is Ram's.

Interrogative Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Interrogative pronouns in Nepali are used to ask questions about people or things. These pronouns help gather information or seek clarification. Here are the different forms of interrogative pronouns in Nepali:

Nepali (individual language) Pronunciation English
को (ko) ko who, whom
के (ke) ke what
कस्तो (kastō) kastō which
  • Interrogative pronouns are indispensable when we want to inquire about someone or something. For example:
    • कसको घर हो यो? (Kasakō ghar ho yo?) - Whose house is this?
    • के तपाईंले खानुभयो? (Ke tapāīnlē khānubhayō?) - What did you eat?
  • Interrogative pronouns can also be used as the subject or object of a sentence. For example:
    • कसलाई तिमी देखाउँछौ? (Kasalāī timī dēkhāūchhau?) - Whom are you showing?
    • कसले यो गिफ्ट दियो? (Kasalē yo gifṭa diyō?) - Who gave this gift?

Relative Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Relative pronouns in Nepali are used to connect a noun clause to the main clause. These pronouns introduce additional information about a person or thing. Here are the different forms of relative pronouns in Nepali:

Nepali (individual language) Pronunciation English
जसले (jasalē) jasalē who, whom, which, that
जसको (jasakō) jasakō whose
  • Relative pronouns are used to provide more details or describe a noun in a sentence. For example:
    • मैले त्यो खेल खेलेको लारा देखेँ। (Mailē tyo khēla khēlēkō lārā dēkhē̃.) - I saw the boy who was playing the game.
    • मेरो बागमा फुलहरू छन् जसले रंगीन हुन्छन्। (Mērō bāgamā phulaharū chhan jasalē raṅgīna hunchhan.) - There are flowers in my garden that are colorful.

Reflexive Pronouns[edit | edit source]

Reflexive pronouns in Nepali are used when the subject and the object of a sentence refer to the same person or thing. These pronouns emphasize the action or state of the subject. Here is the reflexive pronoun in Nepali:

Nepali (individual language) Pronunciation English
आफ्नो (āphnō) āphnō oneself, self
  • Reflexive pronouns are used to highlight that the subject is performing an action on itself. For example:
    • म आफ्नो बाल धुन्छु। (Ma āphnō bāla dhunchhu.) - I am combing my hair.
    • उनले आफ्नो फोटो खिच्नुभयो। (Unalē āphnō phōṭō khicnubhayō.) - He took a photo of himself.

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

In Nepali culture, pronouns play a significant role in maintaining respect and hierarchy. The choice of pronouns depends on the formality of the situation and the relationship between the speaker and the listener. It is common for Nepali people to address others using formal pronouns, especially when meeting someone for the first time or conversing with elders or authority figures.

Nepali society also places great importance on family and community. The use of pronouns reflects this emphasis on relationships. For example, the pronouns "हाम्रो" (hāmro) and "उनीहरूको" (unīharūko) show the collective nature of the Nepali culture, where the sense of "our" and "their" extends beyond immediate family members.

Historically, the Nepali language has been influenced by Sanskrit, which has shaped its grammar and vocabulary, including pronouns. Understanding the cultural nuances and historical influences on pronouns can enhance your understanding and appreciation of the Nepali language.

Now that we have explored the different types of pronouns in Nepali and gained cultural insights, let's move on to some exercises to practice what we have learned.

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

1. Replace the underlined noun with the appropriate pronoun:

  • रिता लाई देख्न आयो। (Ritā lāī dēkhna āyō.) - She came to see Rita.
  • तिमीले तपाईंको किताब चाहिएको थियो। (Timīlē tapāīṁkō kitāb cāhiēkō thiyō.) - You wanted your book.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative pronouns:

  • यो घर रामको हो। (Yo ghar rāmkō ho.) - _______ house belongs to Ram.
  • त्यो किताब खोल। (Tyo kitāb khōla.) - Open _______ book.

3. Ask questions using the given interrogative pronouns:

  • _______ तपाईंले आफ्नो नाम बताउनुभयो? (Ke tapāīnlē āphnō nām batāunubhayō?) - Whom did you tell your name to?
  • _______ घर हो यो? (Kasakō ghar ho yo?) - Whose house is this?

Solutions[edit | edit source]

1. Replace the underlined noun with the appropriate pronoun:

  • उनी लाई देख्न आयो। (Unī lāī dēkhna āyō.) - He came to see her.
  • तपाईंले तपाईंको किताब चाहिएको थियो। (Tapāīṁlē tapāīṁkō kitāb cāhiēkō thiyō.) - You wanted your book.

2. Complete the sentences with the correct demonstrative pronouns:

  • यो घर रामको हो। (Yo ghar rāmkō ho.) - This house belongs to Ram.
  • त्यो किताब खोल। (Tyo kitāb khōla.) - Open that book.

3. Ask questions using the given interrogative pronouns:

  • कसलाई तपाईंले आफ्नो नाम बताउनुभयो? (Kasalāī tapāīnlē āphnō nām batāunubhayō?) - Whom did you tell your name to?
  • कसको घर हो यो? (Kasakō ghar ho yo?) - Whose house is this?

Congratulations! You have successfully learned about pronouns in Nepali and practiced using them in different contexts. Keep practicing and exploring the Nepali language to enhance your language skills and cultural understanding.

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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