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🤗 "Thank you" in many languages

Hello polyglots and language learners!

Whether you're a language learner looking to speak more naturally with your friends, or a business person looking to connect with your associates, you've come to the right place.

From the list below, you will learn how to say "Thank you" in many languages.

Happy learning! 😎

Thank you - Multiple Languages table[edit | edit source]

Language English Thank you
Western Abnaki thank you, literally "it's good" Wliwni
Western Abnaki thank you, literally "good wishes to you" Wliwni
Western Abnaki thank you, literally "you please me" Kd'alamihigen
Western Abnaki thank you, literally "you are helpful" K'wijokagamit
Achinese thank you Teurimeung geunaseh
Achi reply to Utz a wach: good, thank you, and you? Utz, mantiox, yet?
Achi reply to Utz, mantiox, yet: good, thank you Utz, mantiox
Achi thank you Mantiox chawe
Achuar-Shiwiar thank you Maketai
Achuar-Shiwiar thank you Yuuminsame
Adyghe thauegepseu: thank you, spoken to one person Тхьауегъэпсэу
Adyghe thashuegepseu: thank you, spoken to a group Тхьашъуегъэпсэу
Adyghe wopseu: thank you Опсэу
Afar thank you Gadda ge
Afrikaans thank you Dankie
Afrikaans thank you very much Baie dankie
Ahtena thank you Tsin'aen
Ainu (Japan) iyairaykere: thank you in the Saru (沙流) dialect イランカラプテ。
Ainu (Japan) hioy'oy: thank you (informal) in the Saru (沙流) dialect ヒオーイオイ。
Ainu (Japan) iyairaikere: thank you in the Russian dialect Ияйрайкере
Alabama thank you Alíila
Alabama thank you Kano
Alabama thank you Kanobi
Alabama thank you (informal)
Alabama thank you very much Alíilamoolo
Alabama thank you very much Kanoomoolo
Alabama thank you very much Kanopalammoolo
Aleut thank you Qaqaasakung
Aleut thank you Qaqaasakuq
Northern Altai bïyan bolzïn: thank you Быйан болзын
Amharic ameseginalehugn: thank you አመሰግናለሁ 
Amharic betam ameseginalehugn: thank you very much ጣም አመሰግናለሁኝ
Anindilyakwa literally, "thank you" Ngeniyerriya
Standard Arabic shukran: thank you شُكْرًا
Standard Arabic shukran jazilan: thank you very much شُكْرًا جزيلا
Sudanese Creole Arabic thank you Shukran
Sudanese Creole Arabic thank you very much Shukran jazilan
Armenian shnorhakaloutyun: thank you in the Eastern dialect [hye-ear] Շնորհակալություն
Armenian shnorhagal em: thank you in the Western dialect [hye-war] Շնորհակալ եմ
Armenian mersi: informal thank you in the Eastern and Western dialects Մերսի
Macedo-Romanian thank you Haristo
Macedo-Romanian thank you very much Haristo multu
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you in the Eastern dialect Basima
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you spoken by a woman in the Eastern dialect Basimta
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you spoken by a group in the Eastern dialect Basimeh
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you very much in the Eastern dialect Hawit basima chim raba
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you in the Eastern dialect Mersi
Assyrian Neo-Aramaic thank you in the Western dialect Tawdi
Asturian thank you Gracies
Atayal thank you Mhuway su'
Atayal thank you Mhuway su' balay
Atayal thank you (informal) Hway
Aguaruna thank you Seé
Central Aymara thank you Juspajaraña
Central Aymara thank you Juspajar
Central Aymara thank you Juspajarkatam
Central Aymara thank you, spoken at Lake Titicaca Yuspagarkatam
Central Aymara thank you, spoken at Lake Titicaca Yuspagaratam
Central Aymara thank you, spoken in Tihuanacu Yusulupay
North Azerbaijani thank you. Written as Саг олун in the Cyrillic alphabet. Sağ olun
North Azerbaijani thank you. Written as Саг ол in the Cyrillic alphabet. Sağ ol
North Azerbaijani thank you. Written as Тящяккюр эдирям in the Cyrillic alphabet.   Təşəkkür edirəm
North Azerbaijani thank you very much. Written as Чох саг олун in the Cyrillic alphabet. Çox sağ olun
North Azerbaijani thank you very much. Written as Чох саг ол in the Cyrillic alphabet. Çox sağ ol
Eskayan thank you Lamis samyal
Eyak thank you Awa'ahdah
Hinukh greeting spoken to a person who is working, "thank you" Asaŋ kushuŋ
Heiltsuk thank you Giaxsixa
Heiltsuk thank you very much Walas giaxsixa
Tuwali Ifugao thank you Salamat
Tuwali Ifugao thank you Munhana ak
Aklanon thank you Saeamat kimo
Kunama thank you Giraske
Luwo thank you Kori
N/u thank you Aio
Shi thank you Koko
Tairuma thank you Tivi meta papa 

Sources[edit | edit source]

Polyglot Club thanks Jennifer Runner for her outstanding work in collecting some of the phrases for this lesson. 👍

Her objective is, like the Polyglot Club, to promote intercultural communication and understanding and to raise awareness of linguistic diversity in the world. ✨

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