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Demonstrative Pronouns in Moroccan Arabic

Demonstrative Pronouns[edit | edit source]

this (masc.)  hada داَه 
this (fem.) hadi ديَه 
these (plur.)  hadu  دوَه 
that (masc.)  hadak  داكَه 
that (fem.)  hadik  ديكَه 
those (plur.)  haduk  دوكَه

Examples[edit | edit source]

These forms may be used at the beginning of a sentence, in the middle or at the end of a sentence, or in questions. In Arabic, these pronouns can represent people.

This is a chair.  hada kursi.  .رسيُآ داَه 
This is a table.  hadi tbla. ̣  .طبلة ديَه 
This is Abdallah.  hada Abdallah.  .عبداالله داَه 
This is Aicha.  hadi Aicha.  .عيشة ديَه 
What’s this? (masc. object)  šnu / aš hada?  دا؟َه أش / شنو 
What’s this? (fem. object)  šnu / aš hadi? دي؟َه أش / شنو 
Who is this? (masc.)  škun hada? دا؟َه شكون 
Who is this? (fem.)  škun hadi? دي؟َه شكون 
What is that? (masc. object)  šnu / aš hadak? داك؟َه أش / شنو 
Who is that? (fem.)  škun hadik? ديك؟َه شكون

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