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Greetings, everyone!

Here are some essential Maltese phrases you will be able to add to your language skills.

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Verbs in Maltese & Camping.

Essencial Phrases in Maltese[edit | edit source]

Cheers! Ferħanin!
Do you speak English? Int titkellem bl-Ingliż?
Do you speak Maltese ? Int tkellem bil-malti ?
Do you understand ? Int tifhem ?
Excuse me ! Skużani  !
Fire! Nar!
Good morning L-għodwa t-tajba
Good afternoon Waranofsinnhar it-tajjeb
Good evening  Waranofsinnhar it-tajjeb
Good night Il-lejl it-tajjeb
Goodbye Saħħa
Hello Ħello
Help! Ajjut!
Hi! Ħello
How are you? Kif int?
How do you say ... in Maltese ? Kif Int tgħid ...

bil-malti ?

How much is this ? Kemm jiswa?
I don't understand Jien ma nifhimx
I love you Jien nħobbok
I understand jien fhimt
My name is ... Jien jisimni ...
New Year greetings Awguri ghas-Sena l-Ġdida
Over there  Hemmek
Please Jekk jogħġbok
Please say that again Erġa 'għid li għal darb'oħra
Please speak more slowly Jekk jogħġbok, tkellem

iktar bil-mod

Pleased to meet you Għandi pjaċir bil-konoxxenza
I am fine, thanks Jien tajjeb grazzi
You´re welcome Ta 'xejn
Sorry Skuzani
Thank you very much Grazzi ħafna

Example of use in a dialogue[edit | edit source]

  • Person 1:
    • Bonġu! (Good morning!)
    • Kif inti? (How are you?)
  • Person 2:
    • Bonġu, grazzi. (Good morning, thank you.)
    • M'hemmx problema. (I'm fine.)
    • U inti? (And you?)
  • Person 1: M'hemmx problema wkoll, grazzi. (I'm fine too, thank you.)
  • Person 1: Kif tgħid li hu l-tempu? (How's the weather?)
  • Person 2: Hu xi ftit nieslu. (It's a bit cloudy.)
  • Person 1: Verament? (Really?)
  • Person 2: Iva. (Yes.)
  • Person 1: Ġentilment l-tempu se jirrifletti fuq il-kwalità tal-ħajja. (The weather really affects the quality of life.)
  • Person 2: Iva, verament. (Yes, truly.)

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Maltese: the 50 most used Maltese words[edit | edit source]

Learn Maltese- Greetings in Maltese[edit | edit source]

Learn Maltese. Top phrases that should help on your trip[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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