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Macedonian Vocabulary - Family Members

Hello everybody,

➡ In today's lesson, you will learn some useful vocabulary related to the Family in the Macedonian language. As you progress in your Macedonian learning journey, you might also find it helpful to explore other related topics such as Macedonian Introducing Yourself, How to say Good Bye in Macedonian, and Macedonian Vocabulary for Eating.

Feel free to edit this page if you think it could be improved!

Happy learning! 😊

Words[edit | edit source]

English Macedonian
aunt тетка
baby бебе
boy момче
brother брат
child / children дете / деца
companion придружник
crowd, people народ
daughter ќерка
enemy непријател, противник
father, dad татко, тато
female женска / женски
friend(s) пријател(и)
girl девојче, девојка
grandchildren внуци
granddaughter внука
grandfather дедо
grandmother баба
grandparents дедо и баба
grandson внук
husband сопруг, маж
male машко / машки
man / men човек / луѓе
mother, mom мајка, мама
neighbor сосед
neighbors соседи
nephew внук
niece внука
relatives роднини
sister сестра
son син
twin(s) близнак / близнаци
uncle чичко
wife, spouse сопруга, жена
woman / women жена / жени

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