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Animals in Latin
Animals in Latin

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ANIMALS¨ in Latin

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Happy learning ! :)

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Numbers 1 100 & Animals.

Animals in Latin[edit | edit source]





The fish Pisces pih shehs O peixe
The bird Avis ow ihs O pássaro
The dog Canis kah nihs O cachorro
The snake Serpens sehr pehns A cobra
The worm Vermes ou ehr mehs A minhoca
The ant Formica fohr mih kah A formiga
The monkey Simia sih myah O macaco
The frog Ranæ rah neh O sapo
The scorpion Scorpius skohr pih oos O escorpião
The spider Aranea ah rah neh ah A aranha
The duck Anas ah nahs O pato
The eagle Aquila ah kih lah A águia
The flamingo Flamingo flah mihn goh O flamingo
The owl Ulula ou lou lah A coruja

Videos[edit | edit source]

Latin Vocabulary Builder #1 - Animals & Numbers - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Learn Latin for kids - Animals in Latin - Dinolingo - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Animals - Romance languages compared to Latin - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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