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🤗 Kildin Sami Greetings for Everyday Life

Hi Kildin Sami learners! 😃

Do you want to learn how to say “Hello” in Kildin Sami?

Greetings are an important part of any language because they allow you to connect and communicate with others.

If you’re planning a trip to the country or are trying to learn Kildin Sami, keep reading to discover some of the most important greetings.

Let’s get started! 🤗

Greetings[edit | edit source]

English Kildin Sami
tiirrv: general greeting Тӣррв
tiirrv tiirrv: general greeting Тӣррв, тӣррв
tiirrv yaalak: general greeting spoken to one person Тӣррв я̄лак
tiirrv yeellbedte: general greeting spoken to a group Тӣррв е̄лльбэдтӭ
puurr pieyyv: daytime greeting Пӯррь пе̄ййв
shiig piiyven: daytime greeting Шӣг пӣйвенҍ
puurr iintse: morning greeting Пӯррь ӣнцэ
shiig iintse: morning greeting Шӣг ӣнцэ
shiig iintskan: morning greeting Шӣг ӣнцканҍ
puurr yeekne: evening greeting Пӯррь е̄кьнэ
shiig yeeknan: evening greeting Шӣг е̄кьнанҍ
puurr iyy: nighttime greeting Пӯррь ыйй
shiig iyy: nighttime greeting Шӣг ыйй
koohht yaalak: how are you? spoken to one person Кōххт я̄лак?
koohht yeellbedte: how are you? spoken to a group Кōххт е̄лльбэдтӭ?
shiggtenne yaala: reply to Кōххт я̄лак Шиггтэнне я̄ла
shigtenne paasspe: reply to Кōххт я̄лак Шигтэнне, па̄ссьпе
paasspe, shigtenne, puerast: reply to Кōххт я̄лак Па̄ссьпе, шигтэнне, пуэраст
puurr puedänt: welcome greeting Пӯррь пуэдäнт
puurr puedt'mushsh: welcome greeting Пӯррь пуэдтҍмушш
puedtyo tiirven: welcome greeting Пуэдтӭ тӣррвэнҍ

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