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Days of the week in Indonesian

Hello everybody, 🌞

In today's lesson, you will learn how to write and pronounce the DAYS OF THE WEEK in Indonesian. This essential vocabulary will help you navigate your way through daily conversations and schedules. After mastering this lesson, you can also explore other related topics such as Indonesian Vocabulary - Parts of the Body, Indonesian Vocabulary - Seasons, and Indonesian Vocabulary → Emergencies → Natural Disasters to further expand your Indonesian language skills.

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions! Your contributions will help fellow learners and make this resource even better.

Happy learning! 😊

Days of The Week[edit | edit source]

Names of the days of the week in Indonesian are written in capital, similar to English. Below is a complete list of names of the days of the week in Indonesian:

  • Senin - Monday
  • Selasa - Tuesday
  • Rabu - Wednesday
  • Kamis - Thursday
  • Jumat - Friday
  • Sabtu - Saturday
  • Minggu - Sunday

Common Mistakes[edit | edit source]

Following the Indonesian reading rule, Indonesian learners often pronounce Jumat as "Ju-mat". However, this pronunciation is incorrect. The word Jumat is pronounced as "Jum-at". Consequently, native Indonesians often misspell Jumat as Jum'at to accentuate the pronunciation. Nevertheless, the correct spelling of Friday in Indonesian as written in KBBI (Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia) is Jumat.

Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow, and The Day After Tomorrow[edit | edit source]

Yesterday, today, tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow are common time information used with names of the days of the week. Considering Indonesian does not have various tenses, time information is very crucial.

Vocabularies[edit | edit source]

  • kemarin - yesterday
  • hari - day
  • hari ini - today (this day)
  • besok - tomorrow
  • lusa - the day after tomorrow

Referring to Next and Last Week[edit | edit source]

Not much different from English, when referring to days next or last week, you only need to add "next" or "last" following the day. Below is the general rule:

  1. Next [ ... ] [ ... ] depan
  2. Last [ ... ] [ ... ] lalu [ ... ] yang lalu

Vocabularies[edit | edit source]

  • depan - next
  • lalu - last
  • yang lalu - last

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Saya akan pergi ke pantai Sabtu depan. I will go to the beach next Saturday.
  • Dapatkah kamu menemui saya Jumat depan? Can you meet me next Friday?
  • Kamis lalu Rina ada ujian piano. Last Thursday Rina had a piano examination.
  • Apa yang dibeli Budi Selasa yang lalu? What did Budi buy last Tuesday?

Time Period[edit | edit source]

To express a time period, from Monday to Friday for instance, the word dari (from) and sampai (to) are used.

Examples[edit | edit source]

  • Acara ini ditayangkan dari Senin sampai Jumat di televisi. This show is aired from Monday to Friday on televison.

Practice Phrases[edit | edit source]

  • Hari ini hari apa? What day is it today?
  • Hari ini hari Rabu. Today is Wednesday.
  • Kemarin hari apa? What day was yesterday?
  • Kemarin hari Selasa. Yesterday was Tuesday.

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Indonesian - Days of the week[edit | edit source]

Days of the week in Indonesian[edit | edit source]

Quiz: Days of the Week[edit | edit source]

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Match the Indonesian days of the week with their English equivalents.

  1. Senin
  2. Selasa
  3. Rabu
  4. Kamis
  5. Jumat
  6. Sabtu
  7. Minggu

Quiz: Time-Related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Translate the following Indonesian time-related words into English.

  1. kemarin
  2. hari ini
  3. besok
  4. lusa

Quiz: Understanding Context[edit | edit source]

Instructions[edit | edit source]

Choose the correct Indonesian day of the week for each sentence.

  1. Saya akan pergi ke pantai _____ depan. (I will go to the beach next Saturday.)
  2. Apa yang dibeli Budi _____ yang lalu? (What did Budi buy last Tuesday?)

Solutions[edit | edit source]

Days of the Week[edit | edit source]

  1. Senin - Monday
  2. Selasa - Tuesday
  3. Rabu - Wednesday
  4. Kamis - Thursday
  5. Jumat - Friday
  6. Sabtu - Saturday
  7. Minggu - Sunday

Time-Related Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

  1. kemarin - yesterday
  2. hari ini - today
  3. besok - tomorrow
  4. lusa - the day after tomorrow

Understanding Context[edit | edit source]

  1. Sabtu
  2. Selasa

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]


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