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Weather in Indonesian
Weather in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨WEATHER¨ in Indonesian

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After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Questions & Indefinite Articles in Indonesian.

Weather in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





The sun Matahari mah tah hah rih O sol
The moon Bulan bou lahn A lua
The star Bintang bihn tahn A estrela
The water Air ah ihr A água
The rain Hujan hoou jahn A chuva
The river Sungai soon gah ih O rio
The lake Danau dah now O lago
The sea Laut lah ou O mar
The salt Garam gah rahm O sal
The stone Batu itu bah tou ih tou A pedra
The sand Pasir pah sihr A areia
The dust Debu deh bou A poeira
The Earth Bumi bou mih A Terra
The cloud Awan ah ou ahn A nuvem
The fog Kabut kah boo O nevoeiro
The sky Langit lahn gih O céu
The wind Angin ahn gihn O vento
The snow Salju sah lih ou A neve
The ice Es ehs O gelo
The smoke Asap ah sahp A fumaça
The fire Api ah pih O fogo
The ash Abu ah bou As cinzas
To burn Untuk membakar oon touk mahm bah kahr Queimar
The road Jalan jah lahn A estrada
The mountain Gunung gou noon A montanha
The street Jalan jah lahn A rua
The rainbow Pelangi peh lahn gih O arco-íris
wet basah bah sahH úmido
stormy badai bah dah ih tempestoso

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