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Indefinite Articles in Indonesian
Indefinite Articles in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨INDEFINITE ARTICLES¨ in Indonesian

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Happy learning ! :)

Take some time to dive into these other pages after completing this lesson: How to Use Be & Gender.

Indefinite Articles in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





One dog Satu anjing sah tou ahn jihn Um cachorro
One bird Satu burung sah tou bou roon Um pássaro
One man Satu orang sah tou oh rahn Um homem
One house Satu rumah sah tou rou mahH Uma casa
One city Satu kota sah tou koh tah Uma cidade
One window Satu jendela sah tou jehn deh lah Uma janela
One mouth Satu mulut sah tou mou loo Uma boca
Some dogs Beberapa anjing beh beh rah pah ahn jihn Alguns cachorros
Some birds Beberapa burung beh beh rah pah bou roon Alguns pássaros
Some men Beberapa pria beh beh rah pah prih ah Alguns homens
Some houses Beberapa rumah beh beh rah pah rou mahH Algumas casas
Some cities Beberapa kota beh beh rah pah koh tah Algumas cidades
Some windows Beberapa jendela beh beh rah pah jehn deh lah Algumas janelas
Some mouths Beberapa mulut beh beh rah pah mou loo Algumas bocas

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