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Definite Articles in Indonesian
Definite Articles in Indonesian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨DEFINITE ARTICLES¨ in Indonesian

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After mastering this lesson, these related pages might interest you: Plurals & Conditional Mood.

Definite Articles in Indonesian[edit | edit source]





The dog Anjing ahn jihn O cachorro
The bird Burung bou roon O pássaro
The man Orang itu oh rahn ih tou O homem
The house Rumah rou mahH A casa
The city Kota koh tah A cidade
The window Jendela jehn deh lah A janela
The mouth Mulut mou loo A boca
The dogs Anjing-anjing ahn jihn-ahn jihn Os cachorros
The birds Burung Burung bou roon-bou roon Os pássaros
The men Laki-laki lah kih-lah kih Os homens
The houses Rumah-rumah rou mahH-rou mahH As casas
The cities Kota-kota koh tah-koh tah As cidades
The windows Jendela-jendela jehn deh lah-jehn deh lah As janelas
The mouths Mulut-mulut mou loo-mou loo As bocas

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