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Parts of the body in Hausa
Parts of the body in Hausa

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”PARTS OF THE BODY” in Hausa

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Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Pronouns in Hausa, Adjectives in Hausa, Asking Directions & Health.

Parts of the body in Hausa[edit | edit source]

The hairs Gashi gah shih Os cabelos
The head Kai kay A cabeça
The ear Kunne koon neh A orelha
The eye Ido ih doh O olho
The nose Hancin hahn chihn O nariz
The mouth Baki bah kih A boca
The tooth Hakori hah koh rih O dente
The tongue Harshe hahr sheh A língua


The fingernail Farcen yatsa fahr chehn yah tsah A unha
The foot Ƙafa Kah fah O pé
The leg Ƙafa Kah fah A perna
The knee Gwiwa gou ih ou ah O joelho
The hand Hannu hahn nou A mão
The neck Wuya oo yah O pescoço
The back Baya bah yah As costas
The heart Zuciya zou chee yah O coração
The forehead Gaban goshi gah bahn goh shih A testa

Videos[edit | edit source]

How to speak Hausa for Beginners_ Body parts #language ...[edit | edit source]

Learn Hausa: Body Parts in Hausa - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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