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Fruits in Hausa
Fruits in Hausa

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”FRUITS” in Hausa

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Happy learning!

Don't hesitate to look into these other pages after completing this lesson: Colors & Seasons.

Fruits in Hausa[edit | edit source]





The Apple Aful ah fool A Maçã
The Banana Ayaba ay ah bah A Banana
The Watermelon Kankana kahn kah nah A Melancia
The Peach Peach peech O Pêssego
The Pineapple Abarba ah bahr bah O Abacaxi
The Orange Launin lemu lah ou neen leh mou A Laranja
The Lemon Lemo leh moh O Limão
The Grape 'ya'yan inabi yah yahn ih nah bih A Uva
The Pear Pear peer A Pêra
The Strawberry Strawberry stroh beh ree O Morango

Videos[edit | edit source]

Names of fruits, Animals and mode of transportation in Hausa ...[edit | edit source]

10 UNKNOWN FRUIT NAMES IN HAUSA - YouTube[edit | edit source]

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