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Adverbs in Galician
Adverbs in Galician

Hello Everyone, 😊

In today’s lesson we are going to study the following topic: ”ADVERBS” in Galician

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Happy learning!

Finish this lesson and explore these related pages: Say Hello and Greetings in Galician, Be Polite & Definite Articles in Galician.

Adverbs in Galician[edit | edit source]

Never Nunca noon kah Nunca
Sometimes Ás veces ahs beh sehs Ás vezes
Often Moitas veces moh ih tahs beh sehs Freqüentemente
Usually Normalmente nohr mahl mehn teh Usualmente
Seldom Poucas veces poh ou kahs beh sehs Raramente
Rarely Poucas veces poh ou kahs beh sehs Raramente
Normally Xeralmente sheh rahl mehn teh Normalmente
Always Sempre sehm preh Sempre
Last year O ano pasado oh ah noh pah sah doh Ano passado
Last month Último mes ool tih moh mehs Mês passado
Last week A semana pasada ah seh mah nah pah sah dah Semana Anterior
Yesterday Onte ohn teh Ontem
Today Hoxe oh sheh Hoje
Tomorrow Mañá mah nyah Amanhã
Later Máis tarde mah ihs tahr deh Mais tarde
Soon En breve ehn breh veh Em breve
Now Agora ah goh rah Agora
Tonight Esta noite ehs tah noh ih teh Esta noite
Already Xa shah
Then Entón ehn tohn Então
Here Aquí ah kih Aqui
right there alí mesmo ah lih mehs moh Ali
Far Lonxe lohn sheh Longe
Nearby Nunca noon kah Próximo
Inside Ás veces ahs beh sehs Lado de dentro
Outside Moitas veces moh ih tahs beh sehs Lado de fora

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