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FrenchVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Hobbies and Interests → Sports and Fitness Activities

In the previous lesson, we learned about different hobbies and interests in French. We explored various activities like cooking, gardening, and painting. In this lesson, we will focus on sports and fitness activities. Sports and physical fitness are an important part of many people's lives, and it's essential to learn the vocabulary related to these activities. So let's dive in and expand our French vocabulary!

Sports[edit | edit source]

Sports play a significant role in French culture, and there are many popular sports that people enjoy. Here are some sports-related words and phrases to add to your vocabulary:

1. Le Football[edit | edit source]

  • Le football - Football (soccer) is the most popular sport in France. The French national team has won the FIFA World Cup twice.
  • Un ballon de football - A football (soccer ball)
  • Un stade - A stadium
  • Un match - A match
  • Un joueur de football - A football player
  • Une équipe - A team
  • Marquer un but - To score a goal
  • Un gardien de but - A goalkeeper

2. Le Tennis[edit | edit source]

  • Le tennis - Tennis is also a popular sport in France, with the French Open being one of the four Grand Slam tournaments.
  • Une raquette de tennis - A tennis racket
  • Une balle de tennis - A tennis ball
  • Un court de tennis - A tennis court
  • Un joueur de tennis - A tennis player
  • Un set - A set
  • Un match de tennis - A tennis match
  • Une équipe de double - A doubles team

3. Le Rugby[edit | edit source]

  • Le rugby - Rugby is a widely played sport in France, with the national team being one of the best in the world.
  • Un ballon de rugby - A rugby ball
  • Un terrain de rugby - A rugby field
  • Un joueur de rugby - A rugby player
  • Un match de rugby - A rugby match
  • Une équipe nationale - A national team
  • Une mêlée - A scrum
  • Un essai - A try

4. Le Basket-ball[edit | edit source]

  • Le basket-ball - Basketball is gaining popularity in France, and the French national team has achieved success in international competitions.
  • Un ballon de basket - A basketball
  • Un panier - A basket
  • Un terrain de basket - A basketball court
  • Un joueur de basket-ball - A basketball player
  • Un match de basket - A basketball game
  • Marquer un panier - To score a basket
  • Un pivot - A center

5. Le Cyclisme[edit | edit source]

  • Le cyclisme - Cycling is a beloved sport in France, and the country hosts the famous Tour de France every year.
  • Un vélo - A bicycle
  • Un cycliste - A cyclist
  • Une course - A race
  • Le Tour de France - The Tour de France
  • Un maillot jaune - The yellow jersey
  • Un col - A mountain pass
  • Une étape - A stage

6. Autres Sports[edit | edit source]

  • Le golf - Golf
  • Le handball - Handball
  • Le volley-ball - Volleyball
  • La natation - Swimming
  • Le ski - Skiing
  • Le surf - Surfing
  • L'escalade - Rock climbing
  • La boxe - Boxing

Fitness Activities[edit | edit source]

In addition to sports, many people in France engage in various fitness activities to stay healthy and active. Here are some vocabulary words related to fitness activities:

1. Faire de l'Exercice[edit | edit source]

  • Faire de l'exercice - To exercise
  • Le jogging - Jogging
  • La marche - Walking
  • Le vélo d'appartement - Exercise bike
  • La musculation - Weightlifting
  • Les étirements - Stretching
  • Le yoga - Yoga
  • La danse - Dance
  • Le Pilates - Pilates

2. Aller à la Salle de Sport[edit | edit source]

  • Aller à la salle de sport - To go to the gym
  • La salle de sport - The gym
  • L'entraînement - Training
  • Les haltères - Dumbbells
  • Le tapis de course - Treadmill
  • Le vélo elliptique - Elliptical trainer
  • Le rameur - Rowing machine
  • Faire des abdos - To do sit-ups
  • Faire des pompes - To do push-ups

3. Les Sports de Plein Air[edit | edit source]

  • Le jogging - Jogging
  • La randonnée - Hiking
  • Le vélo - Cycling
  • La natation - Swimming
  • Le canoë-kayak - Canoeing and kayaking
  • Le surf - Surfing
  • L'escalade - Rock climbing
  • Le ski - Skiing
  • Le patinage - Ice skating

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

In this lesson, we learned about various sports and fitness activities in French. Sports like football, tennis, rugby, basketball, and cycling are popular in France. Additionally, we explored fitness activities such as jogging, walking, weightlifting, yoga, and dance. By expanding our vocabulary in these areas, we can better communicate and discuss our hobbies and interests in French.

In the next lesson, we will dive into the world of music and entertainment and learn vocabulary related to these topics. So stay tuned and keep up the great work!

Videos[edit | edit source]

Sport Words in French Part 1 (basic French vocabulary from Learn ...[edit | edit source]

Les sports et loisirs | Sports and leisure activities | French vocabulary[edit | edit source]

How To Talk About Sport in French | French Vocabulary Lesson 10 ...[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

Other Lessons[edit | edit source]

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