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Weather in Extremaduran
Weather in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨WEATHER¨ in Extremaduran

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Once you've mastered this lesson, take a look at these related pages: How to Say Hello and Greetings & Seasons.

Weather in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

The sun El sol ehl sohl O sol
The moon La luna lah lou nah A lua
The star La estrella lah ehs trehl lah A estrela
The water L`áugua low gou ah A água
The rain La lluvia lah lyou vyah A chuva
The river El riu ehl rih ou O rio
The lake El lago ehl lah goh O lago
The sea El mari ehl mah rih O mar
The salt El sal ehl sahl O sal
The stone La piedra lah pyeh drah A pedra
The sand L`arena lah reh nah A areia
The dust El polvu ehl pohl vou A poeira
The Earth La Tierra lah tyeh rah A Terra
The cloud La nuvi lah nou vih A nuvem
The fog La niebla lah nyeh blah O nevoeiro
The sky El cielu ehl syeh lou O céu
The wind El vientu ehl vyehn tou O vento
The snow La nievi lah nyeh vih A neve
The ice El hielu eh lyeh lou O gelo
The smoke El humal eh lou mahl A fumaça
The fire El fuegu ehl fou eh gou O fogo
The ash La ceniza lah seh nih zah As cinzas
To burn quemal keh mahl Queimar
The road El camino ehl kah mih noh A estrada
The mountain La muntaña lah moon tah nyah A montanha
The street La calli lah kahl lih A rua
The rainbow L`arcu cun siete cololis lahr kou koun syeh teh

koh loh rihs

O arco-íris

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