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Camping in Extremaduran
Camping in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨CAMPING¨ in Extremaduran

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Happy learning ! :)

Don't miss the chance to check out these pages as you wrap up this lesson: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Adjectives in Extremaduran & Colors.

Camping in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

The tree L`arvu lahr vou A árvore
The plant La pranta lah prahn tah A planta
The firewood La leña lah leh nyah A lenha
The forest La foresta lah foh rehs tah A floresta
The fruit El frutu ehl frou tou A fruta
The seed La semilla lah seh mihl lah A semente
The green leaf La hoja lah oh hah A folha verde
The root La raíz lah rah ihs A raiz
The bark

(of a tree)

La corteza


lah kohr teh zah

(doo nahr vou)

A casca

(de uma árvore)

The flower La flor lah flohr A flor
The grass El pasto ehl pahs toh A grama
The rope La cuerda lah kou ehr dah A corda

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