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Animals in Extremaduran
Animals in Extremaduran

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨ANIMALS¨ in Extremaduran

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Consider exploring these related pages after completing this lesson: Alphabet and Pronunciation, Weather & Parts of the Body.

Animals in Extremaduran[edit | edit source]

The fish El pez ehl pehs O peixe
The bird El páxaru ehl pah hah rou O pássaro
The dog El perru ehl peh hou O cachorro
The pig El guarru ehl gou ah hou O porco
The rabbit El coneju ehl koh neh hou O coelho
The donkey El burru ehl bou hou O burro
The mouse El ratón ehl rah tohn O rato
The horse El cavallu ehl kah vahl lou O cavalo
The turtle El cágadu ehl kah gah dou A tartaruga
The spider El morgañu ehl mohr gah nyou A aranha
The duck El patu ehl pah tou O pato
The lion El león ehl leh ohn O leão
The bear L`ossu loh sou O urso
The elephant L`alifanti lah lih fahn tih O elefante
The cat El gatu ehl gah tou O gato

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