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Egyptian Arabic - Comparatives and Superlatives.png
Comparatives and Superlatives in Egyptian Arabic
Egyptian Arabic Transliteration English Translation English
هو الاجمل من كل منهم Húua  il-aguimal min kul minHum He  is  most  beautiful  of  them all
هي الاجمل من كل منهم Héia il-aguimal min kul minHum She is most beautiful of them all
لبنان اصغر من ليبيا                    lubnaa aSâHar min liibiia Lebanon is smaller than Libya
هو الاكبرمن كل منهم Húua il-akbar min kul minHum He is bigger of them all
هي الاكبرمن كل منهم Héia il-akbarl min kul minHum She is bigger of  them all
روسيا الاكبر من البلاد  ruusiia il-akbaar min il-biláad Russia is the biggest of the countries
هو الاسهل من كل منهم Húua il-asHal min kul minHum He is easier of them all
هي الاسهل من كل منهم Héia  il-asHal min kul minHum She is easier of them all

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