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Time related words in Croatian

➡ In today's lesson you will learn some useful words related to "Time" in the Croatian language.

Happy learning!

Consider broadening your understanding by checking out these related lessons: Telling Time & Greetings and Introductions.

vrijeme - time - le temps[edit | edit source]

English Hrvatski - Croatian
(wrist) watch ručni sat
(wrist) watch ručni sat
after poslije
afternoon poslijepodne
age starost
always, forever uvijek
April Travanj
August kolovoz
autumn j esen
before prije
beginning početak
calendar(s) kalendar(i)
century / centuries stoljeće / stoljeća,
clock(s) sat(ovi)
date datum
day after tomorrow prekosutra
day before yesterday prekjučer
day(s) dan(i)
decade(s) decenija / decenije,
December Prosinac
evening večer(i)
February Veljača
Friday Petak
from time to time povremeno, s vremena na vrijeme
future budućnost
gift(s), present(s) poklon(i)
Happy birthday! Sretan rođendan!
Happy new year! Sretna nova godina!
hour(s) sat(i)
January Siječanj
July Srpanj
June Lipanj
May svibanj
Merry Christmas! Sretan Božić!
midday, noon podnevni
midnight ponoć
millennium(s) tisućljeće / tisućljeća
minute(s) minuta / minute
moment trenutak
Monday Ponedjeljak
month(s) mjesec(i)
morning jutro
morning jutro / jutra [plur.]
never nikada
night(s) noć(i)
November Studeni
now sada
October Listopad
often često
past prošlost
pause prekid
period doba
present sadašnjost
rather often nerijetko
Saturday Subota
season sezona
season godišnje doba
second(s) sekunda / sekunde
seldom rijetko
September Rujan
sometimes ponekad, nekad, katkad, katkada
spring proljeće
summer ljeto
Sunday Nedjelja
Thursday Četvrtak
today danas
tomorrow sutra
Tuesday Utorak
vacation, holiday(s) praznik / praznici
wall clock zidni sat
Wednesday Srijeda
week tjedan
weekend(s) vikend(i)
What time is it? Koliko je sati?
while neko vrijeme
winter zima
year(s) godina / godine
yesterday jučer

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Learn Croatian words for Day, Month and more![edit | edit source]

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