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Numbers in Asturian
Numbers in Asturian

Hello everybody,

In today's lesson you will learn some useful vocabulary about ¨NUMBERS¨ in Asturian

Feel free to edit this page by adding new words and expressions !

Happy learning ! :)

With the completion of this lesson, consider investigating these related pages: Say Hello and Greetings in Asturian, Essencial Phrases in Asturian, Days of the Week & Seasons.

Some words for Numbers in Asturian[edit | edit source]



one ún, unu / una um / uma
two dos / dos dois / duas
three trés três
four cuatro quatro
five cinco cinco
six seis seis
seven siete sete
eight ocho oito
nine nueve nove
ten diez dez
eleven once onze
twelve doce doze
thirteen trece treze
fourteen catorze quatorze
fifteen quince quinze
sixteen dieciséis dezesseis
seventeen diecisiete dezessete
eighteen dieciocho dezoito
nineteen diecinueve dezenove
twenty venti vinte
twenty one ventiún vinte e um
twenty two ventidos vinte e dois
twenty three ventitré vinte e três
thirty trenta trinta
forty cuarenta quarenta
fifty cincuenta cinquenta
sixty sesenta sessenta
seventy setenta setenta
eighty ochenta oitenta
ninety noventa noventa
one hundred cien cem
one hundred and one ciento ún cento e um
two hundred doscientos duzentos
three hundred trescientos trezentos
four hundred cuatrocientos quatrocentos
five hundred cincocientos quinhentos
six hundred seiscientos seiscentos
seven hundred setecientos setecentos
eight hundred ochocientos oitocentos
nine hundred nuvecientos novecentos
one thousand únu mil mil
two thousand dos mil dois mil

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