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AmharicVocabulary0 to A1 Course → Everyday Vocabulary → Clothing and Accessories

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Welcome to the lesson on Amharic vocabulary for clothing and accessories! In this lesson, we will expand your Amharic vocabulary by learning the names of various clothing items and accessories. Clothing is an essential part of our everyday lives, and being able to communicate about it is important for effective communication. By the end of this lesson, you will be able to confidently talk about different types of clothing and accessories in Amharic. So let's dive in and explore the colorful world of Amharic fashion!

Cultural Significance of Clothing[edit | edit source]

Clothing plays a significant role in the cultural identity of the Ethiopian people. Traditional Ethiopian clothing is rich in history and reflects the diversity of the country's regions and ethnic groups. The traditional clothing of Ethiopia is known for its vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and unique designs. It is common to see people wearing traditional Ethiopian clothing during cultural events, festivals, and special occasions. Understanding the vocabulary related to clothing and accessories will not only enable you to describe different fashion items but also provide you with insights into Ethiopian culture and traditions.

Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Now, let's explore a wide range of Amharic vocabulary related to clothing and accessories. Pay attention to the pronunciation of each word and practice saying them aloud to improve your speaking skills. Here are some common words and phrases you'll find useful:

Clothing Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some Amharic words for different clothing items:

Amharic Pronunciation English
ልብስ (libis) /li-bis/ shirt
ፖስታ (posta) /po-sta/ pants
ማስታወሻ (mastawesha) /mas-ta-we-sha/ dress
ማጉርሻ (magursha) /ma-gur-sha/ skirt
ማጉርያ (maguriya) /ma-gu-ri-ya/ blouse
ማስታወሻ ስልጠና (mastawesha siltena) /mas-ta-we-sha sil-te-na/ wedding dress
ቢዝነስ (biznese) /biz-ne-se/ suit
ኦሽን (oshon) /o-shon/ traditional Ethiopian shawl
ካልሲ (kalsi) /kal-si/ scarf
ታቦት (tabot) /ta-bot/ religious cloth
ጎልበት (golbet) /gol-bet/ hat
ኩራዝ (kuraz) /ku-raz/ cap
ሳንስ (sans) /sans/ socks
አልባሳም (albasam) /al-ba-sam/ shoes
ጋብቻ (gabicha) /ga-bi-cha/ sandals
አልባሳም ስልጠና (albasam siltena) /al-ba-sam sil-te-na/ wedding shoes

Accessories Vocabulary[edit | edit source]

Here are some Amharic words for different accessories:

Amharic Pronunciation English
ማስጠንቀቂያ (mastenkeqiya) /mas-te-nke-qi-ya/ jewelry
ጉሳንሽ (gusanshi) /gu-san-shi/ necklace
መሳል (masal) /ma-sal/ bracelet
ወርቃማ (werqama) /wer-qa-ma/ ring
አካባቢ (akababi) /a-ka-ba-bi/ earrings
ጠርጥር (terter) /ter-ter/ watch
አርሳ (arsa) /ar-sa/ glasses
ጥሩር ጉልበት (t'ur golbet) /t'u-r gol-bet/ sun hat
አነስተኛ (anesetgna) /a-ne-set-gna/ umbrella
የጥሩር አልባሳም (yet'u-r albasam) /ye-t'u-r al-ba-sam/ sunglasses

Colors and Patterns[edit | edit source]

To describe the color or pattern of clothing, you can use the following words:

Amharic Pronunciation English
ቀለም (qelem) /qe-lem/ black
ሰማያዊ (semayawi) /se-ma-ya-wi/ blue
ቀይ (keye) /ke-ye/ green
ቀለመ (qelemme) /qe-lem-me/ white
ቀለም አልባሳም (qelem albasam) /qe-lem al-ba-sam/ black and white
ደረጃ (dereja) /de-re-ja/ red
ቀለም እና ደረጃ (qelem ena dereja) /qe-lem ena de-re-ja/ black and red
ፈረንጅና (ferenjena) /fe-ren-je-na/ orange
ቅጠል (qetel) /qe-tel/ yellow
ቅርጻ (qirsa) /qi-rsa/ brown
ጠብንጭ (tebinch) /te-bin-ch/ gray

Cultural Insights[edit | edit source]

Ethiopian clothing is diverse and varies based on regional and cultural influences. The traditional clothing of each region has its own unique style and significance. For example, the "shamma" is a traditional Ethiopian shawl commonly worn by both men and women. It is made from woven cotton and serves as a multipurpose garment, providing warmth in colder climates and protection from the sun in hotter regions. The "habesha kemis" is a traditional dress for Ethiopian women, characterized by its white fabric and handwoven patterns. It is often worn during cultural ceremonies and special occasions. Understanding the cultural significance of different clothing items and accessories will deepen your appreciation for Ethiopian traditions and heritage.

Practice Exercises[edit | edit source]

Now it's time to put your knowledge into practice! Complete the following exercises to reinforce what you've learned:

1. Match the following clothing items with their corresponding Amharic words:

a. Shirt b. Pants c. Dress d. Skirt e. Blouse f. Suit g. Shoes h. Hat i. Socks j. Scarf

Amharic words: 1. ማስታወሻ 2. ልብስ 3. ታቦት 4. ጎልበት 5. ማጉርሻ 6. አልባሳም 7. ፖስታ 8. ኩራዝ 9. አልባሳም ስልጠና 10. ሳንስ

Answer Key: a-2, b-7, c-1, d-5, e-6, f-3, g-9, h-4, i-10, j-8

2. Describe the following clothing items in Amharic:

a. A yellow dress with a floral pattern b. Black pants and a white shirt c. A red hat and blue socks d. A black and white skirt e. Brown shoes and a gray scarf

Answer Key: a. ቀለም ታቦት ቅጠል የአባባል አጭር ማስታወሻ b. ቀለም እና ቀለም ልብስ c. ደረጃ ጎልበት እና ሰማያዊ ሳንስ d. ቀለም እና ቀለም ማጉርሻ e. ቅርጻ አልባሳም እና ቀምረናዊ ካልሲ

Conclusion[edit | edit source]

Congratulations! You have successfully expanded your Amharic vocabulary with words related to clothing and accessories. By learning these words, you are now able to describe various clothing items and accessories in Amharic. Remember to practice using these words in context to improve your fluency. The more you practice, the more confident you will become in your Amharic language skills. Keep up the great work, and soon you'll be ready to explore the next lesson in the "Complete 0 to A1 Amharic Course." Happy learning!

Videos[edit | edit source]

Learn Amharic: Clothes - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Clothes in Amharic: Learn Amharic #15 - YouTube[edit | edit source]

Sources[edit | edit source]

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